WotLK Classic — Patch 3.4.2 je na PTR a je připraven k testování!

od | 05. května 2023 | Wrath of the Lich King Classic | Žádné komentáře

Upo­zor­ně­ní: Ten­to člá­nek je sta­rý 21 měsí­ců. Infor­ma­ce v něm uve­de­né mohou být zastaralé.

Bylo odstar­to­vá­no PTR tes­to­vá­ní WotLK Patche 3.4.2, kte­rý bude obsa­ho­vat Trial of the Crusa­de, Isle of Conquest a Titan Rune dun­ge­o­ny. Tes­to­vá­ní je momen­tál­ně roz­dě­le­no na něko­lik fází a je dost mož­né, že dal­ší tes­to­va­cí kola budou dostup­ná během dal­ších týdnů.

Tes­to­vá­ní bylo odstar­to­vá­no již vče­ra, na PTR bylo při­dá­no hned něko­lik novi­nek a Bliz­zard dou­fá, že najde dosta­tek hrá­čů, kte­ří budou ochot­ní hru otestovat.

Plán testování

  • Spuš­tě­ní Patche 3.4.2 na PTR → Spuš­tě­no!
  • Trial of the Crusa­der (prv­ní kolo) → 5. květ­na až 8. května
  • Isle of Conquest → 11. květ­na
  • Titan Rune dun­ge­o­ny → od 12. května
  • Trial of the Crusa­der (dru­hé kolo) → 19. květ­na až 22. května

Aktualizovaný klient hry

Spo­leč­ně s novou aktu­a­li­za­cí se dočka­jí hrá­či WotLK Clas­sic také nových gra­fic­kých nasta­ve­ní. Kli­ent hry byl totiž aktu­a­li­zo­ván na Dra­gon­fli­ght ver­zi. Sys­té­mo­vá nasta­ve­ní tak budou napros­to totož­ná s těmi, kte­ré může­me znát z Retail WoW.

Oficiální Patch Notes pro PTR

Spo­leč­ně s vydá­ním nové ver­ze na tes­to­va­cích ser­ve­rech byly vydá­ny i patch notes, kte­ré shr­nu­ji všech­ny důle­ži­té novinky.

Původ­ně napsal Bliz­zard (Ori­gi­nál­ní pří­spě­vek)


Wel­co­me to the Wrath of the Lich King Clas­sic Patch 3.4.2 Pub­lic Test Realm!

Build: 49442
May 4th 2023

Tes­ting Focus
Trial of the Crusader

  • The Trial of the Crusa­der and Trial of the Grand Crusa­der 10 and 25 pla­yer raids will be avai­la­ble for tes­ting star­ting Fri­day May 5th at 11:00AM PDT and will rema­in avai­la­ble until Mon­day May 8th at 10:00AM PDT.
  • To access the Raid you will need to tra­vel to northe­as­tern Icecrown and enter the raid dun­ge­on via the por­tal at the Argent Tour­na­ment Grounds.
  • To faci­li­ta­te tes­ting, we have re-ena­bled cha­rac­ter copy for pla­yers to copy the­ir live cha­rac­ters, and star­ter level 80 cha­rac­ters may be cre­a­ted using the avai­la­ble Tem­pla­tes. Ple­a­se note that ven­dors have not been upda­ted with Uldu­ar loot for this tes­ting period. 
    • Developer’s Note: Whi­le we do typi­cally pro­vi­de gear opti­ons from the current raid tier when per­for­ming tests on futu­re raids, for Trial of the Crusa­der we felt that it would be a more accu­ra­te a rea­lis­tic test if we relied on live cha­rac­ters copied with the­ir actu­al gear. Whi­le some pla­yers may be fully equip­ped with hard mode gear from Uldu­ar, most will not. Adding all of the best gear to the ven­dor could sig­ni­fi­cant­ly impact the data we are able to get from this tes­ting peri­od. We apo­lo­gi­ze for any incon­ve­ni­en­ce this might cause.
  • Trial of the Crusa­der (Nor­mal Mode) sha­re a lockout with Trial of the Grand Crusa­der (Hero­ic Mode), but you may dyna­mi­cally swap from Nor­mal to Hero­ic and back aga­in within the same raid size. 
    • For exam­ple, if your raid group clears the raid up throu­gh Facti­on Cham­pi­ons on Hero­ic Mode, you may swap to Nor­mal mode and com­ple­te the instan­ce on Normal.
    • You may also do this dif­ficul­ty swap­ping on a per-boss basis. Using the exam­ple abo­ve, you may clear up throu­gh Facti­on Cham­pi­ons on Hero­ic, then swap to Nor­mal for the Twin Val­kyr encoun­ter, and then swap back to Hero­ic for the Anub’arak encounter.
    • Ple­a­se do note that in order to be eli­gi­ble for Tri­bu­te to Insa­ni­ty and the addi­ti­o­nal tri­bu­te chest and rewards, you must do the enti­re Trial of the Grand Crusa­der raid on Hero­ic Dif­ficul­ty in that same lockout.
    • 10 Pla­yer and 25 pla­yer ver­si­ons of the raid are still sepa­ra­te lockouts and do not impact one ano­ther at all.
    • The requi­re­ment to have clea­red Trial of the Crusa­der befo­re attempting Trial of the Grand Crusa­der has been removed.

Onyxia’s Lair

  • The Level 80 ver­si­on of Onyxia’s Lair raid is avai­la­ble for tes­ting now and will rema­in open for the durati­on of the current PTR tes­ting period.
  • The level 80 ver­si­on of Onyxia’s Lair is now the default ver­si­on of the raid. However, pla­yers may spe­ak to Zidor­mi out­si­de of Onyxia’s Lair to gain a “time tra­vel­ling” buff that ena­bles access to the level 60 clas­sic ver­si­on of the Raid.
  • To remo­ve this buff and access the level 80 ver­si­on aga­in, sim­ply spe­ak to Zidor­mi aga­in to remo­ve it.

Argent Tour­na­ment

  • The Argent Tour­na­ment con­structi­on has been com­ple­ted! All new quests and dai­lies are now avai­la­ble at this hub in northe­as­tern Icecrown.

Titan Rune Dun­ge­ons – Defen­se Pro­to­col Beta

  • This con­tent is not yet avai­la­ble for tes­ting but is coming soon.

Isle of Conquest

  • This con­tent is not yet avai­la­ble for tes­ting but is coming soon.

Bug Fixes and Gameplay Adjustments

Spells and Abilities

  • The so-called “DoT Mun­ching” beha­vi­or most rea­di­ly noti­ce­a­ble in Deep Wounds and Igni­te has been resolved.
  • Fixed an issue that caused spells with Equip­ped Item requi­re­ments to not be remo­ved when the pla­yer no lon­ger meets the requi­re­ments of the spell. 
    • Developer’s note: A notable exam­ple of this is a warri­or swap­ping to a shield to cast Spell Reflecti­on, and then imme­di­a­te­ly unequip­ping the shield. With this fix the spell reflecti­on aura is remo­ved after the shield is removed.
  • Meta Gems may no lon­ger be swap­ped in combat.
  • Resol­ved an Issue that allowed pla­yers to keep them­sel­ves and ene­mies in com­bat inde­fi­ni­te­ly by repe­a­ted­ly cas­ting buff effects on a pla­yer-con­t­rolled pet, even after the pet has gone into pas­si­ve mode.
  • Sha­man — Fixed an issue that caused the Earth­grab effect from the Sha­man talent Storm, Earth, and Fire to not respect dimi­nishing returns.
  • Mage – Fixed an issue causing the absorb effect from Sacred Shield to not be gai­ned when gai­ned by mages using the Spell Ste­al ability.
  • Mage – Fixed an issue causing Frost­fi­re Bolt to alwa­ys remo­ve Fire­ball! if you have the mage tier 8 4‑piece bonus.
  • War­lock – Fixed an issue causing Unstable Afflicti­on to not be affec­ted by Resilience.
  • War­lock – Fixed a visu­al issue with Rain of Fire.
  • Rogue – Resol­ved an issue that allowed Rogu­es to main­ta­in com­bo points on a tar­get after gai­ning them from Honor Among Thie­ves, and then swap­ping to a dif­fe­rent spec that does not have Honor Among Thie­ves talented.
  • Rogue – Resol­ved an issue that caused Rogu­es to be knocked out of Ste­al­th when using Sli­ce and Dice with an ene­my affec­ted by Vigilance.
  • Dru­id – The pre­vi­ous adjust­ments spe­ci­fi­cally to Fae­rie Fire (Feral) and Omen of Cla­ri­ty pro­cs that were out­li­ned here have been rever­ted. This imple­men­tati­on has been repla­ced with a new Gly­ph of Omen of Cla­ri­ty major gly­ph which grants the same effect, causing Fae­rie Fire (Feral) to alwa­ys proc Omen of Clarity 
    • Developer’s Note: This is going to be an extre­me­ly small loss in damage for the dru­id for repla­cing an exis­ting gly­ph, but the pre­vi­ous adjust­ments resul­ted in a lar­ger than inten­ded damage incre­a­se for Feral DPS, so this hel­ps to reta­in the bene­fits of that adjust­ment but does so at the cost of a Major Gly­ph slot instead.
  • Death Kni­ght – Fixed seve­ral issu­es with Dan­cing Rune Weapon: 
    • Resol­ved an issue causing the ver­si­on of Death Coil cast by Dan­cing Rune Wea­pon to do base damage and inhe­rit no stats from the Death Knight.
    • Resol­ved an issue whe­re Dan­cing Rune Wea­pon was not mimic­king the Slow Effect of Cha­ins of Ice.
    • Resol­ved an issue pre­ven­ting the correct ver­si­on of Death Kni­ght abi­li­ties to be used by Dan­cing Rune Weapon.
    • Resol­ved an issue causing the melee damage done by Dan­cing Rune Wea­pon to be incorrect. The damage done will now be much clo­ser to 50% of the Death Knight’s damage, with some vari­ati­on due to exact gear con­fi­gu­rati­ons such as equip­ped wea­pon speed.

User Inter­fa­ce

  • The Tar­get of Tar­get fra­me is now pro­per­ly showing debuffs.
  • Fixed an issue whe­re items unequip­ped using the equi­p­ment manager have mul­tiple incorrect inter­acti­ons when a Qui­ver con­ta­i­ner is not in the final bag slot.
  • Fixed a bug whe­re tar­gets that were auto­ma­ti­cally acqui­red after the pla­yer is attac­ked are drop­ped when the pla­yer moves out of melee ran­ge of the attac­king ene­my target.
  • Fixed an issue whe­re pets that are resurrec­ted in a raid group show up with a solid black heal­th bar in the default raid frames.

Art and Environment

  • The gob­lins respon­si­ble for the theft of the water in The Batt­le for Win­ter­grasp epic batt­le­ground have been appre­hen­ded and the mis­sing water has been replaced.
  • The mini­map on the top level of Drak’tharon Keep is no lon­ger dis­pla­y­ing grey, untex­tu­red boxes whe­re the exte­ri­or terra­in should be.
  • Resol­ved an issue pre­ven­ting pets from pathing into cer­ta­in are­as of the Ruins of Lor­dae­ron are­na map.

Raids and Dungeons

  • Noth the Pla­gu­ebrin­ger no lon­ger takes his loot with him to the Twis­ting Nether when he is killed at the same moment he tele­ports to his bal­co­ny for the inter­mis­si­on add phase.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Yogg-Saron encoun­ter to beco­me stuck in Pha­se 1 if pla­yers touch a cloud too quick­ly after defe­a­ting Gene­ral Vezax.
  • Fixed an issue whe­re XT-002 Decon­struc­tor could beco­me unlo­o­table if the boss is killed whi­le a Life Spark is evading.
  • Fixed an issue whe­re the Frost Orb spell impact ani­mati­on would per­sist after Hodir’s Fury is used during the Fla­me Levi­athan encounter.


  • Fixed an issue causing Orgri­m­mar guards to attack the Sum­mo­ned Incu­bus during the War­lock quest “The Bin­ding”, which made the quest to be very dif­ficult to complete.

Items and Rewards

  • The Sons of Hodir have upped the­ir fashi­on game and the­re is now a Sons of Hodir tabard avai­la­ble from Lille­ho­ff in Dun Nif­fe­lem, Storm Peaks.
  • A new ven­dor has been added to Dala­ran; the Ani­ma­ted Con­stellati­on. This ven­dor will exchan­ge items from Uldu­ar 10-pla­yer Hard Mode for a new Side­re­al Essen­ce currency. 
    • Developer’s Note: The newest ite­rati­on of Titan Rune Dun­ge­ons is not yet avai­la­ble for tes­ting, but when it beco­mes avai­la­ble, we’ll do a full bre­akdown of this ven­dor and how rewards in Defen­se Pro­to­col Beta will function.
  • With the rele­a­se of Trial of the Crusa­der, Uldu­ar item drops will be adjusted: 
    • Uldu­ar 10 Nor­mal Mode items now drop from Defen­se Pro­to­col Beta bos­ses in Titan Rune Dungeons
    • Uldu­ar 25 Nor­mal Mode items now drop from Uldu­ar 10.
    • Uldu­ar 10 Hard Mode items still drop from Uldu­ar 10 Hard Modes.
    • Uldu­ar 25 Hard Mode items still only drop from Uldu­ar 25 Hard Modes.

Known Issu­es
Raid and Dungeons:

  • Swap­ping been Nor­mal and Hero­ic dif­ficul­ties in Trial of the Crusa­der may cause ene­my heal­th bars to appear as if the ene­my does not have full health. 
    • Note: This is a visu­al issue only and the ene­mies’ heal­th is correct.
  • The visu­al for Anub’arak’s Leeching Swarm is mis­sing on pla­yer targets.
  • When the dif­ficul­ty is set to Hero­ic, the raid por­tal for Trial of the Grand Crusa­der is mis­sing the 3d Skull Spell visual.
  • A Tri­bu­te to Immor­ta­li­ty can current­ly be ear­ned even after kil­ling a boss in nor­mal during that same lockout.
  • When stan­ding in the mid­dle of the Crusader’s Coli­se­um are­na in Trial of the Crusader/Grand Crusa­der the mini­map will turn gre­en and the zone name chan­ges to the Icy Depths.
  • You may not get a noti­fi­cati­on that you are saved to Trial of the Crusa­der or Trial of the Grand Crusa­der when you kill your first boss in the lockout. 
    • Note: This is a visu­al issue only and you will still be saved to that lockout.
  • You are una­ble to enter the 10 and 25 pla­yer ver­si­ons of Onyxia’s lair if you are alrea­dy locked to the 40 pla­yer, level 60 version.

User Inter­fa­ce

  • You may expe­ri­en­ce a game cra­sh when chec­king and unchec­king the “Low Level Quests” mini­map trac­king opti­on whi­le in Dalaran.
  • Your own pla­yer name and tar­ge­ting circle may turn yellow when an ene­my tar­gets you if you have the Raid Self High­li­ght menu opti­on enabled.
  • The Mac Ver­si­on of Wrath of the Lich King Clas­sic is current­ly expe­ri­en­cing mul­tiple Lua errors.
  • Note: We are aware of most of these, but ple­a­se still feel free to report any errors you encoun­ter here in the PTR forum. Thank you!


  • The­re are visu­al issu­es with the ani­mati­on for the Hun­ter abi­li­ty Flare.

Zdroj: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/1581405/1


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