V SoD příští týden proběhne úprava povolání

od | 25. února 2024 | Season of Discovery | Žádné komentáře

Upo­zor­ně­ní: Ten­to člá­nek je sta­rý 12 měsí­ců. Infor­ma­ce v něm uve­de­né mohou být zastaralé.

Již 28. úno­ra se dočká­me něko­li­ka vět­ších změn u někte­rých povo­lá­ní a před­mě­tů v dru­hé fázi Sea­son of Dis­co­ve­ry. Vývo­já­ři se ten­to­krát zamě­ří na úpra­vy dru­i­dů, sha­ma­nů, rogun, pala­di­nů a tro­chu šáh­nou i na hun­te­ry. Sou­čas­ně se bude sni­žo­vat i armor value u někte­rých bos­sů v Gnomereganu.

Původ­ně měla být do změn zahr­nu­ta i změ­na u Seal of Mar­ty­r­dom, tu ovšem vývo­já­ři pře­hod­no­ti­li a bude nako­nec vyře­še­na tro­chu jinak.

SoD Class Tuning Feb 28

Původ­ně napsal Bliz­zard (Ori­gi­nál­ní pří­spě­vek)

As we con­ti­nue to moni­tor class per­for­man­ce and pla­yer feedback in Sea­son of Dis­co­ve­ry, we’ve designed the following tuning adjust­ments, which we intend to imple­ment with sche­du­led week­ly maintenance:


  • Life­blo­om mana cost redu­ced by 50%. 
    • Deve­lo­pers’ notes: Life­blo­om refunds half its new base mana cost per stack when it expi­res or is dispelled. This part has alwa­ys functi­o­ned in this way, and we’ve seen a bit of con­fusi­on around how the mana return por­ti­on of Life­blo­om functions.
  • Living Seed now heals for 50% of the cri­ti­cal heal that plan­ted the seed (was 30%). This heal now blo­oms from non-peri­o­dic hea­ling rece­i­ved, in addi­ti­on to any damage taken.
  • Nou­rish mana cost redu­ced by 27%.
  • Moon­kin Form now also redu­ces the mana cost of Moon­fi­re by 50% and incre­a­ses Moon­fi­re peri­o­dic damage by 50%. Sun­fi­re also bene­fits from this change.
  • Moon­kins can now cast non-hea­ling Res­to­rati­on spells without can­cel­ling the­ir sha­pe­shift. This inclu­des: Remo­ve Cur­se, Remo­ve Poi­son, Abo­lish Poi­son, Inner­va­te, Rebirth, Revi­ve, Mark of the Wild, and Gift of the Wild.
  • Fury of Stor­mrage impro­ved: when this rune makes Hea­ling Touch instant, it now also makes it castable in all sha­pe­shift forms.


  • Dual Wield Spe­ci­a­li­zati­on no lon­ger grants a 30% damage bonus to Rap­tor Stri­ke for wiel­ding two wea­pons of the same type.


  • Crusa­der Stri­ke now deals Holy damage inste­ad of Phy­s­i­cal damage, igno­ring armor, and is now affec­ted by Holy damage pre­ven­ti­on. Crusa­der Stri­ke is still con­si­de­red a melee attack, and not a spell.
  • Seal of Mar­ty­r­dom will no lon­ger be tri­g­ge­red by Frost Oil or other wea­pon procs.


  • Redi­rect no lon­ger tri­g­gers or is affec­ted by the glo­bal cool­down, and its own cool­down has been redu­ced to 10 seconds. 
    • Deve­lo­pers’ notes: when Redi­rect is com­bi­ned in a macro with other Com­bo Point rela­ted abi­li­ties, it often does not functi­on as expec­ted. We recom­mend not inclu­ding it in such macros.
  • Main Gauche now gene­ra­tes 3 com­bo points on your tar­get and base Ener­gy cost redu­ced to 15.
  • Just a Fle­sh Wound thre­at bonus incre­a­sed such that Rogue tanks will gene­ra­te appro­xi­ma­te­ly 30% more threat.


  • Two-Han­ded Mas­te­ry rune now also pro­vi­des 10% incre­a­sed Attack Power and 10% incre­a­sed chan­ce to hit with spells after hit­ting a tar­get with a two-han­ded weapon.
  • Sha­ma­nis­tic Rage rune now grants 5% of the Shaman’s maxi­mum mana per
    second, inste­ad of a value sca­ling from Attack Power, Spell Power, or Hea­ling Power.
  • Spi­rit of the Alpha rune now grants the cas­ting Sha­man 20% incre­a­sed Attack Power if they cast the spell on a tar­get other than themselves.
  • Earth Shield mana cost redu­ced by 67%, and char­ges incre­a­sed from 3 to 9. The base amount hea­led now pro­per­ly sca­les with level and is about 50% higher than pre­vi­ous­ly at level 40.
  • Power Sur­ge tool­tip revi­sed to cla­ri­fy functi­o­na­li­ty. This rune peri­o­di­cally grants mana eve­ry 5 seconds, equal to 15% of the Shaman’s intellect. Some poten­tial timing issu­es that could have some­ti­mes made it give less mana than inten­ded have been fixed.
  • Ancestral Gui­dan­ce cool­down redu­ced to 1 minu­te (was 2 minutes).


  • The incre­a­sed armor value of cer­ta­in mecha­ni­cal bos­ses in Gno­me­re­gan has been redu­ced slightly. 
    • Deve­lo­pers’ notes: The higher armor valu­es on cer­ta­in mecha­ni­cal ene­mies in Gno­me­re­gan was correct and inten­ded, but we will adjust the armor on Crowd Pum­me­ler 9–60 and Mekin­geer Ther­ma­plu­gg sli­ght­ly to pro­vi­de up to a 10% incre­a­se in phy­s­i­cal damage rece­i­ved, depen­ding on modi­fiers pre­sent. We also chec­ked the Mecha­ni­cal Manage­rie, and it is using the correct armor values.

Seal of Martyrdom

Původ­ně napsal Bliz­zard (Ori­gi­nál­ní pří­spě­vek)


Wan­ted to chi­me in and pro­vi­de a quick upda­te to this note:

  •  Seal of Mar­ty­r­dom can no lon­ger tri­g­ger Art of War

We’ve deci­ded not to send this spe­ci­fic part of the pala­din chan­ges live on Tuesday.

Whi­le this could argu­a­bly be con­si­de­red a bug, we are sim­ply going to let it ride as it is not near­ly as pro­ble­ma­tic as the second part of the bug that allowed wea­pon pro­cs to tri­g­ger the full damage of Seal of Martyrdom.

That sepa­ra­te bug fix to pre­vent Mar­ty­r­dom from proc­cing from Frost Oil and other pro­cs will go live as plan­ned but we under­stand that for some it was an inte­res­ting inter­acti­on. It’s never a gre­at time when you feel like you cau­ght a “fun detec­ted” nerf, and whi­le we couldn’t really allow this bug to con­ti­nue in its current form for obvi­ous rea­sons, we are current­ly dis­cus­sing ways to recap­tu­re some of what made it inte­res­ting and some of the power it pro­vi­ded without the somewhat jan­ky and unin­tu­i­ti­ve behavior.

We appre­ci­a­te your feedback around this and are loo­king for­ward to con­ti­nuing to pro­vi­de regu­lar upda­tes and adjust­ments as the pha­se rolls on.

Thank you!

Zdroj: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/season-of-discovery-class-tuning-incoming-february-27/1794527/252


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