The War Within: Vývojářské zápisky k patchi 11.0.7

od | 04. listopadu 2024 | Retail WoW | Žádné komentáře

Chys­ta­ná aktu­a­li­za­ce 11.0.7 se již zača­la tes­to­vat na PTR a spo­leč­ně s vydá­ním tes­to­va­cí­ho buil­du byly vydá­ny i ofi­ci­ál­ní vývo­jář­ské poznám­ky k patchi, kte­rý nás zave­de na Siren Isles.

Nová zóna – Siren Isles

Do nové zóny se dosta­ne­me díky pokra­ču­jí­cí­mu pří­bě­hu TWW. Budou na nás čekat noví nepřá­te­lé, nové úko­ly a hro­ma­da nové­ho obsa­hu. Spo­leč­ně s tím­to bude do hry při­dá­na i nová měna Fla­me Bles­sed Iron, za kte­rou půjde zakou­pit nový gear a dal­ší odmě­ny, včet­ně moun­tů, petů a transmogů.

Vylepšení hratelných postav

Lidé (Humans) a Kul Tira­no­vé dosta­nou nový vzhled uší, kte­rý si budou moci změ­nit u své­ho lokál­ní­ho lazeb­ní­ka v Bar­ber Shopu.

Záro­veň se ovšem vývo­já­ři chys­ta­jí upra­vo­vat i schop­nos­ti jed­not­li­vých ras (racial abi­li­ties). Schop­nos­ti totiž aktu­a­li­za­ci potře­bu­jí jako sůl, a tak se dočká­me změn. Sou­čas­ná čís­la a změ­ny mohou být pou­ze dočas­ná, tak­že je ber­te s rezer­vou. Do úprav se dosta­lo devět ras, při­čemž zde je jsou někte­ré změny.

Dungeony a raidy

Nově se do dun­ge­o­nů budou moci při­hlá­sit kom­plet­ní cross-facti­on sku­pi­ny. Dun­ge­o­ny budou vyža­do­vat kom­plet­ní slo­že­ní, tedy všech pět hrá­čů a pokud jeden z nich sku­pi­nu opus­tí, nepů­jde nahradit.


Cross-facti­on sku­pi­ny se mohou nově zapo­jo­vat spo­leč­ně do unra­ted PvP.


Zby­tek, resp. kom­plet­ní seznam novi­nek nalez­ne­te v ang­lic­kém tex­tu níže.


Patch notes v originále

Původ­ně napsal Bliz­zard (Ori­gi­nál­ní pří­spě­vek)
  • Face old ene­mies and unra­vel new mysteries.
  • A new currency—Flame Bles­sed Iron—is avai­la­ble to tra­de for items like mounts, pets, gear, and transmo­gs, as well as upgra­des for a power­ful new ring—Cyrce’s Circlet—which can be found by pla­yers. Fla­me Bles­sed Iron is also used to spa­wn one of three event bos­ses on the island, giving pla­yers an addi­ti­o­nal oppor­tu­ni­ty to earn unique rewards.
  • Add some spark to your adven­tu­re when you collect items across the Siren Isle to help rele­a­se Thra­y­ir, Eyes of the Siren—an electri­fy­ing storm crow mount—from its bonds.


  • Humans and Kul Tiran will gain new Arathi ear cus­to­mi­zati­ons. Head over to the Bar­ber Shop to chan­ge up your appearance.
    • Developer’s note: We’re making upda­tes to seve­ral racial abi­li­ties with the goal of incre­a­sing the via­bi­li­ty of some underre­pre­sen­ted races. Many of these abi­li­ties have fallen behind natu­rally within the game’s eco­sys­tem and our hope is that tar­ge­ted tweaks will help pro­mo­te incre­a­sed diver­si­ty of raci­als across all con­tent types.
    • Dra­e­nei
      • Gift of the Naa­ru cool­down redu­ced to 2 minu­tes (was 3 minutes).
    • Highmoun­ta­in Tauren
      • Rug­ged Tenacity’s effect incre­a­sed by 50%.
    • Light­for­ged Draenei
      • Light’s Judg­ment radius incre­a­sed to 10 yards (was 5 yards) and its visu­al size increased.
      • Light’s Judgment’s damage incre­a­sed by 40% and it now deals redu­ced damage bey­ond 8 targets.
      • Holy Resistan­ce has been rena­med to Holy Pro­vi­den­ce and now incre­a­ses hea­ling done by 1%.
    • Mag’har Orc
      • Stats gran­ted from Ancestral Call incre­a­sed by 30% and now incre­a­ses one of your two highest secon­da­ry stats.
    • Night­bor­ne
      • Arca­ne Pul­se damage incre­a­sed by 300% and now redu­ces move­ment spe­ed by 80% (was 50%). Durati­on redu­ced to 8 seconds (was 12 seconds).
    • Void Elf
      • Spa­tial Rift move­ment spe­ed of the rift incre­a­sed by 80%, durati­on is incre­a­sed to 8 seconds (was 6 seconds), and maxi­mum ran­ge incre­a­sed to 35 yards. The visu­al effect has been upda­ted and no lon­ger appears for par­ty members.
      • Ent­ro­pic Embra­ce: Proc acti­vati­on rate adjus­ted, now incre­a­ses hea­ling and damage by 5% for 12 seconds (was dupli­ca­te healing/damage). Now functi­ons with absorbs.
    • Vul­pe­ra
      • Bag of Tricks hea­ling and damage incre­a­sed by 40%.
      • Bag of Tricks now decre­a­ses ene­my move­ment spe­ed by 80% for 4 seconds and incre­a­ses ally move­ment spe­ed by 20% for 4 seconds. Now only affects a sin­gle target.
    • Wor­gen
      • Dark­fli­ght now stacks its spe­ed bonus with other move­ment incre­a­sing effects.
    • Zan­da­la­ri Troll
      • Rege­ne­ra­tin’ no lon­ger can­cels from peri­o­dic damage effects, its cool­down is now 3 minu­tes (was 2.5 minu­tes), and heals for 50% of your maxi­mum heal­th (was 100%).
      • Embra­ce of Aku­na hea­ling incre­a­sed by 300% and chan­ce to tri­g­ger incre­a­sed by 250%.
      • Embra­ce of Bwonsam­di effect incre­a­sed by 50%.
      • Embra­ce of Kim­bul chan­ce to tri­g­ger incre­a­sed by 400%.


  • Cross-facti­on groups can now que­ue for dun­ge­ons. Dun­ge­ons will requi­re a fully pre­ma­de group and par­ty mem­bers who lea­ve will not be replaced.


  • Orlu­na the Kyri­an Path of Ascensi­on armor ven­dor now allows any class to buy her Dis­cor­dant cos­me­tics, regar­dless of armor type.


  • Cross-facti­on groups can now que­ue for unra­ted PvP.
  • Siren Isle’s Cyrce’s Circlet Gems have the following reducti­ons in PvP combat:
    • Thunderlord’s Crac­kling Cit­ri­ne – Damage redu­ced by 75% in PvP combat.
    • Squall Sailor’s Cit­ri­ne – Damage redu­ced by 75% in PvP combat.
    • Under­sea Overseer’s Cit­ri­ne – Damage redu­ced by 75% in PvP combat.
    • Windsinger’s Runed Cit­ri­ne – Secon­da­ry stat enhan­ce­ment redu­ced by 75% in PvP combat.
    • Stormbringer’s Runed Cit­ri­ne – Secon­da­ry stat enhan­ce­ment redu­ced by 75% in PvP combat.
    • Mariner’s Hallowed Cit­ri­ne – Heal redu­ced by 75% in PvP combat.
    • Legen­da­ry Skipper’s Cit­ri­ne – Effect redu­ced by 50% in PvP combat.
    • Sea­bed Leviathan’s Cit­ri­ne – Sta­mi­na and damage redu­ced by 75% in PvP combat.
    • Storm Sewer’s Cit­ri­ne – Absorb redu­ced by 75% in PvP combat.
    • Fathomdweller’s Runed Cit­ri­ne – Mas­te­ry redu­ced by 75% in PvP combat.
    • Old Salt’s Cit­ri­ne – Heal redu­ced by 75% in PvP combat.


  • Pai­ring with the rele­a­se of the spe­ci­a­li­zati­on respec opti­on, we are deploy­ing some balan­ce chan­ges to seve­ral pro­fes­si­on stats to bring them clo­ser toge­ther in value.
    • Mul­ticraft – Ave­rage num­ber of extra items cre­a­ted via a Mul­ticraft crit redu­ced by 30%.
    • Resour­ce­ful­ness – Ave­rage per­cent of reagents retur­ned on a Resour­ce­ful­ness crit incre­a­sed by 50%.
  • In addi­ti­on, we are adjus­ting seve­ral spe­ci­a­li­zati­on tree bonuses to Multicraft:
    • Inscrip­ti­on
      • Total bonus amount of addi­ti­o­nal goods Mul­ticraft pro­du­ces from the Mul­ti­tasking tree redu­ced to +50% (was +100%).
    • Tai­lo­ring
      • Total bonus amount of addi­ti­o­nal goods Mul­ticraft pro­du­ces from the Less is More tree redu­ced to +50% (was +100%).
      • Total bonus amount of addi­ti­o­nal goods Mul­ticraft pro­du­ces when craf­ting Polishing Clo­th in the final point of the Addi­ti­o­nal Embro­i­de­ry tree redu­ced to +10% (was +50%).
  • Developer’s note: Whi­le Mul­ticraft and Resour­ce­ful­ness each have the­ir own niche, it is gene­rally the case that point for point, Mul­ticraft can pro­vi­de sig­ni­fi­cant­ly more value than the other craf­ting and gathe­ring stats. Con­ver­se­ly, Resour­ce­ful­ness pro­vi­des sig­ni­fi­cant­ly less value than other craf­ting and gathe­ring stats. The abo­ve chan­ge should bring these two stats clo­ser in value to the other stats, with the inten­ti­on that it beco­mes a more inte­res­ting cho­ice which stats to pursue.


  • A “disrup­ti­on” opti­on has been added to the “Gameplay Sabo­tage” cate­go­ry when repor­ting pla­yers for misbehavior.
  • Tool­tips have been added to chat tabs on mouseover.
  • Macro­ing Pings can now use refe­ren­ce numbers:
    • /ping Attack = /ping 1
    • /ping War­ning = /ping 2
    • /ping Onmy­way = /ping 3
    • /ping Assist = /ping 4
    • /ping Look = /ping 5
    • /ping Thre­at = /ping 6
  • The following icons have been upda­ted with higher reso­lu­ti­on artwork: Local Sto­ries (map), pla­yer arrow (map), and quest type (quest log).
  • The Group Manager pane has rece­i­ved visu­al upda­tes for clarity.
  • At max zoom on the map, quests will be pla­ced in the­ir actu­al locati­on inste­ad of con­so­li­da­ted in the quest hub.
  • By default, the in-game came­ra has been adjus­ted so it is less like­ly to jump when envi­ron­men­tal objects are between the pla­yer and the camera.
  • Mousing over the Delver’s Jour­ney pro­gress bar will now dis­play how much pro­gress has been made towards the next reward and towards com­ple­ting the track.
  • Upon rea­ching a focused desti­nati­on in the world, the focus sta­te will clear and a message will dis­play in the mid­dle of the scre­en con­fir­ming that the desti­nati­on has been reached.



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