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Blizzard ve velkém upravuje chování a fungování některých předmětů, kouzel a nepřátel v Season of Discovery. Dá se říct, že každý den se objeví nějaký balíček úprav, který putuje do hry. V bluepostu níže naleznete seznam všech změn od 4. do 7. prosince.
Původně napsal Blizzard (Originální příspěvek)
December 7, 2023
Season of Discovery
- Ashenvale PvP
- When a player makes any hostile action against an opposing faction Lieutenant (e.g. Keepers of the Grove, Blademasters) or faction leader in the various objective areas, they will receive reputation when that enemy dies.
- It must be an offensive action (harmful spell, harmful ability, melee attack, or ranged attack) against an enemy to receive reputation.
- Players will receive reputation even if they are dead or no longer nearby as long as they are still in the zone when the enemy dies.
- Players now receive 200 reputation for killing a Lieutenant and all members of the winning faction will receive 200 reputation when the faction leader dies.
- The winning team will also receive 100 reputation per friendly Lieutenant remaining.
- Players now have 60 minutes to complete the Ashenvale PvP event (was 30 minutes).
- When a player makes any hostile action against an opposing faction Lieutenant (e.g. Keepers of the Grove, Blademasters) or faction leader in the various objective areas, they will receive reputation when that enemy dies.
- The Trainee’s Sentinel Nightsaber and Trainee’s Outrider Wolf now require Friendly reputation with the Silverwing Sentinels and Warsong Outriders respectively (was Honored).
December 6, 2023
Season of Discovery
- Grizzby will no longer rob you of your extra quest items.
- Ashenvale PvP
- The lieutenant and general NPCs in the Season of Discovery Ashenvale PvP event now have much higher health.
- Generals are now immune to damage until all of their lieutenants have been defeated.
- While no lieutenants are dead, generals and their nearby allies gain 1000% increased damage.
- The Horde general’s chain lightning will now hit up to 40 targets.
December 5, 2023
Season of Discovery
- Seal of Martyrdom will no longer grant mana to nearby allies who are not in the Paladin’s party or raid.
- Shamanistic Rage will no longer grant mana to nearby players who are not in the Shaman’s party or raid.
- It is no longer possible to have two copies of the Mangle debuff active on a target.
- Multiple Rogues can now have the Saber Slash bleed active on a target. If the Rogues have the Deadly Brew rune, they can each have a Deadly Poison periodic damage effect active on the target.
- Pattern: Phoenix Bindings temporarily removed from the merchant faction vendor while we work to resolve an issue with the recipe.
December 4, 2023
Season of Discovery
- Players questing for “The Orb of Soran’ruk” will now find that The Twilight’s Hammer have invaded the shores of The Zoram Strand near Blackfathom Deeps.
- Developers’ notes: It wasn’t our original intent for discoveries to take you into raid instances. Now, the enemies needed for completion of a pre-requisite quest for a rune are both in the outdoor world and inside the raid.
- The quest to discover the Earth Shield shaman rune is now properly available to players. (Was previously not visible due to a bug). Happy hunting!
- Fixed an issue with the Bael Modan Blunderbuss gun item that caused it to only be usable with arrows rather than bullets.
- Fixed an issue where Sadistic Fiend would not properly reset when players died.
- Fixed an issue preventing progress on the Priest quest chain “Secrets of Elune”.
- Fixed an issue where “Allegiance to the Old Gods” quest was not completable while in a raid group.
- Carendin the Undercity Warlock will now discreetly dispose of any Acolyte’s Notes stuck in warlocks’ bags. He apologizes for the inconvenience.
- Your bags can now carry multiple filled Supply Shipment crates.
- Blackfathom Deeps
- Fixed an issue on Twilight Lord Kelris when players would incorrectly die if they took a Dream Portal while under the effects of the Dream Eater debuff.