SoD – Seznam oprav od 4. do 7. prosince 2023

od | 08. prosince 2023 | Season of Mastery, WoW Classic | Žádné komentáře

Upo­zor­ně­ní: Ten­to člá­nek je sta­rý 15 měsí­ců. Infor­ma­ce v něm uve­de­né mohou být zastaralé.

Bliz­zard ve vel­kém upra­vu­je cho­vá­ní a fun­go­vá­ní někte­rých před­mě­tů, kou­zel a nepřá­tel v Sea­son of Dis­co­ve­ry. Dá se říct, že kaž­dý den se obje­ví něja­ký balí­ček úprav, kte­rý putu­je do hry. V blu­e­po­stu níže nalez­ne­te seznam všech změn od 4. do 7. prosince.

Původ­ně napsal Bliz­zard (Ori­gi­nál­ní pří­spě­vek)

December 7, 2023

Sea­son of Discovery

  • Ashe­n­va­le PvP
    • When a pla­yer makes any hos­ti­le acti­on aga­inst an oppo­sing facti­on Lie­u­te­nant (e.g. Kee­pers of the Gro­ve, Bla­de­mas­ters) or facti­on lea­der in the vari­ous objecti­ve are­as, they will rece­i­ve repu­tati­on when that ene­my dies. 
      • It must be an offensi­ve acti­on (harm­ful spell, harm­ful abi­li­ty, melee attack, or ran­ged attack) aga­inst an ene­my to rece­i­ve reputation.
      • Pla­yers will rece­i­ve repu­tati­on even if they are dead or no lon­ger near­by as long as they are still in the zone when the ene­my dies.
    • Pla­yers now rece­i­ve 200 repu­tati­on for kil­ling a Lie­u­te­nant and all mem­bers of the win­ning facti­on will rece­i­ve 200 repu­tati­on when the facti­on lea­der dies.
    • The win­ning team will also rece­i­ve 100 repu­tati­on per fri­en­dly Lie­u­te­nant remaining.
    • Pla­yers now have 60 minu­tes to com­ple­te the Ashe­n­va­le PvP event (was 30 minutes).
  • The Trainee’s Sen­ti­nel Night­sa­ber and Trainee’s Outri­der Wolf now requi­re Fri­en­dly repu­tati­on with the Sil­verwing Sen­ti­nels and War­song Outri­ders respecti­ve­ly (was Honored).

December 6, 2023

Sea­son of Discovery

  • Grizz­by will no lon­ger rob you of your extra quest items.
  • Ashe­n­va­le PvP
    • The lie­u­te­nant and gene­ral NPCs in the Sea­son of Dis­co­ve­ry Ashe­n­va­le PvP event now have much higher health.
    • Gene­rals are now immu­ne to damage until all of the­ir lie­u­te­nants have been defeated.
    • Whi­le no lie­u­te­nants are dead, gene­rals and the­ir near­by allies gain 1000% incre­a­sed damage.
    • The Hor­de general’s cha­in light­ning will now hit up to 40 targets.

December 5, 2023

Sea­son of Discovery

  • Seal of Mar­ty­r­dom will no lon­ger grant mana to near­by allies who are not in the Paladin’s par­ty or raid.
  • Sha­ma­nis­tic Rage will no lon­ger grant mana to near­by pla­yers who are not in the Shaman’s par­ty or raid.
  • It is no lon­ger possi­ble to have two copies of the Man­gle debu­ff acti­ve on a target.
  • Mul­tiple Rogu­es can now have the Saber Sla­sh ble­ed acti­ve on a tar­get. If the Rogu­es have the Deadly Brew rune, they can each have a Deadly Poi­son peri­o­dic damage effect acti­ve on the target.
  • Pat­tern: Pho­enix Bin­dings tem­po­ra­ri­ly remo­ved from the mer­chant facti­on ven­dor whi­le we work to resol­ve an issue with the recipe.

December 4, 2023

Sea­son of Discovery

  • Pla­yers ques­ting for “The Orb of Soran’ruk” will now find that The Twilight’s Ham­mer have inva­ded the sho­res of The Zoram Strand near Blackfathom Deeps. 
    • Deve­lo­pers’ notes: It wasn’t our ori­gi­nal intent for dis­co­ve­ries to take you into raid instan­ces. Now, the ene­mies nee­ded for com­ple­ti­on of a pre-requi­si­te quest for a rune are both in the out­do­or world and insi­de the raid.
  • The quest to dis­co­ver the Earth Shield sha­man rune is now pro­per­ly avai­la­ble to pla­yers. (Was pre­vi­ous­ly not visi­ble due to a bug). Hap­py hunting!
  • Fixed an issue with the Bael Modan Blun­der­buss gun item that caused it to only be usa­ble with arrows rather than bullets.
  • Fixed an issue whe­re Sadis­tic Fiend would not pro­per­ly reset when pla­yers died.
  • Fixed an issue pre­ven­ting pro­gress on the Priest quest cha­in “Secrets of Elune”.
  • Fixed an issue whe­re “Alle­gi­an­ce to the Old Gods” quest was not com­ple­table whi­le in a raid group.
  • Caren­din the Under­ci­ty War­lock will now dis­creet­ly dis­po­se of any Acolyte’s Notes stuck in war­locks’ bags. He apo­lo­gi­zes for the inconvenience.
  • Your bags can now car­ry mul­tiple filled Sup­ply Shi­p­ment crates.
  • Blackfathom Dee­ps
    • Fixed an issue on Twi­li­ght Lord Kelris when pla­yers would incorrect­ly die if they took a Dre­am Por­tal whi­le under the effects of the Dre­am Eater debuff.



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Retail WoW: 353,060 gold

Classic Cataclysm: 27,323 gold

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Reset Raidů

Classic WoW

  • 40-Man Raidy: 4 hodiny
  • 20-Man Raidy: 2 hodiny
  • Onyxia’s Lair: 1 den a 3 hodiny

Season of Discovery

  • 40-Man Raidy: 7 dnů a 3 hodiny
  • Progress raidy: 15 hodin


  • Raidy: 6 dnů a 23 hodin


  • Raidy: 6 dnů a 23 hodin

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