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Blizzard v noci nahrál na Season of Discovery novou várku oprav, která se tentokrát točí kolem Ashenvale PvP a snížení požadavků na koupení run u reputačních prodejců Azeroth Commerce Authority a Durotar Supply and Logistics. Do opravného balíčku se dostalo taky několik změn v Blackfathom Deeps.
Původně napsal Blizzard (Originální příspěvek)
Season of Discovery
Population adjustments have been made to layers in the Ashenvale PvP event which should result in an improved experience for players.
Ashenvale progress should be much more consistent.
Developers’ notes: In a future hotfix, the Battle for Ashenvale progress will no longer reset to 0% when the final layer on the server finishes their battle.
Runes sold at the Honored tier of Azeroth Commerce Authority and Durotar Supply and Logistics reputation are now sold at the Friendly tier.
Drop rates for higher-level Waylaid Supplies have been slightly raised and unfulfillable Waylaid Supplies have been removed.
The gold prices of several runes and rune related items have been reduced.
Blackfathom Deeps
The waterfalls at the entrance to the Lorgus Jett encounter now properly despawn after he is defeated.
Dream Eater should no longer kill you if you’re pulled into the second phase of the Twilight Lord Kelris fight while still afflicted by the aura.