SoD – Seznam oprav 13. prosince 2023

od | 14. prosince 2023 | Season of Discovery | Žádné komentáře

Upo­zor­ně­ní: Ten­to člá­nek je sta­rý 15 měsí­ců. Infor­ma­ce v něm uve­de­né mohou být zastaralé.

Bliz­zard v noci nahrál na Sea­son of Dis­co­ve­ry novou vár­ku oprav, kte­rá se ten­to­krát točí kolem Ashe­n­va­le PvP a sní­že­ní poža­dav­ků na kou­pe­ní run u repu­tač­ních pro­dej­ců Aze­ro­th Com­mer­ce Autho­ri­ty a Duro­tar Sup­ply and Logis­tics. Do oprav­né­ho balíč­ku se dosta­lo taky něko­lik změn v Blackfathom Deeps.

Původ­ně napsal Bliz­zard (Ori­gi­nál­ní pří­spě­vek)
Sea­son of Discovery
  • Popu­lati­on adjust­ments have been made to layers in the Ashe­n­va­le PvP event which should result in an impro­ved expe­ri­en­ce for players.
  • Ashe­n­va­le pro­gress should be much more consistent.
    • Deve­lo­pers’ notes: In a futu­re hot­fix, the Batt­le for Ashe­n­va­le pro­gress will no lon­ger reset to 0% when the final layer on the ser­ver finishes the­ir battle.
  • Runes sold at the Hono­red tier of Aze­ro­th Com­mer­ce Autho­ri­ty and Duro­tar Sup­ply and Logis­tics repu­tati­on are now sold at the Fri­en­dly tier.
  • Drop rates for higher-level Way­laid Sup­plies have been sli­ght­ly rai­sed and unful­filla­ble Way­laid Sup­plies have been removed.
  • The gold pri­ces of seve­ral runes and rune rela­ted items have been reduced.
Blackfathom Dee­ps
  • The water­falls at the ent­ran­ce to the Lor­gus Jett encoun­ter now pro­per­ly despa­wn after he is defeated.
  • Dre­am Eater should no lon­ger kill you if you’re pulled into the second pha­se of the Twi­li­ght Lord Kelris fight whi­le still afflic­ted by the aura.




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Season of Discovery

  • 40-Man Raidy: 6 dnů a 15 hodin
  • Progress raidy: 3 hodiny


  • Raidy: 6 dnů a 11 hodin


  • Raidy: 6 dnů a 11 hodin

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