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Blizzard nepřestává vydávat opravné balíčky. Včerejší noc nebyla výjimkou a objevil se relativně krátký. Jeho krátkost ovšem vývojáři kompenzují tím, že obsahuje úpravu Glowing Titan Orb. Ten může nově padat z několika dalších nepřátel.
Původně napsal Blizzard (Originální příspěvek)
Swiping Mangle now triggers from Mangles cast by Convoke the Spirits.
Mangles cast during Convoke the Spirits now consume Gore.
Fixed an issue where Mass Return was castable in arenas and battlegrounds.
Fixed an issue preventing Radiant Decree and Justicar’s Vengeance from benefiting from Seal of Order.
Dungeons and Raids
Vault of the Incarnates
Reduced the damage of Rock Blast by 44% on LFR difficulty.
Items and Rewards
Fixed an issue that was causing the drop rate of various special reagents to be lower than intended from Elite creatures, and higher from normal creatures.
Added a small chance for Glowing Titan Orbs to drop from the Titan Forged Refti and Uldaman Golems in addition to the Titan Watchers, Keepers, and Golems of Tyrhold.
Ohn’ahran Plains
The guards at the Fields of Ferocity have remembered the rules of engagement and will no longer attempt to assist players with the fight.
Multiple issues have been fixed for The Ruby Feast questline that were blocking players from advancing to the next quests.