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Do hry se v noci dostal velký opravný balíček, který se soustředí na Wise Mari, hromadu povolání a dalších oprav včetně úkolů, předmětů a nepřátel. Mnoho oprav bude aktivních až po restartu realmů, který je tento týden plánován na středeční noc mezi 4. a 5. hodinou. Změny, které budou aktivní až zítra ráno, jsou označeny v blue postu poznámkou [With realm restarts].
Původně napsal Blizzard (Originální příspěvek)
Death Knight
[With realm restarts] All ability damage reduced by 3%.
Denizen of the Dream’s trigger rate was unintentionally increased. It has been restored to its intended value.
Fixed an issue that caused Forest’s Flow to not properly extend heal over time effects on allies.
Fixed an issue where empower spells could fail to auto-fire at Rank 1 when released prior to that point.
Fixed an issue preventing Oppressing Roar’s cooldown from being reduced when dispelling Enrage effects with the Overawe talent.
Beast Mastery
[With realm restarts] Kill Command damage reduced by 10%.
[With realm restarts] All ability and pet damage reduced by 4%.
[With realm restarts] Mongoose Bite damage reduced by 10%. This does not affect PvP combat.
Fixed an issue that caused Fading Light’s value to be higher than intended for Retribution Paladins.
Developers’ note: We’re modifying the output of Grimoire of Sacrifice to bring it in line with the output of Warlock demons. At the end of the day Warlock is a pet-centric class and while we want there to be an option to opt-out of your pet, we don’t want it to always be the clear answer.
[With realm restarts] Wrathful Minion now increases the damage of Grimoire of Sacrifice by 10% (was 15%).
[With realm restarts] Demonic Inspiration now increases the damage of Grimoire of Sacrifice by 10% (was 15%).
[With realm restarts] Grimoire of Sacrifice damage reduced by 15%.
Developers’ note: With the removal of less impactful talents in both their class and specialization trees, Affliction received a lot of additional damage options that have increased their damage beyond what was intended. We’re making these adjustments to bring them in line with other damage dealers.
[With realm restarts] Damage done by spells and abilities reduced by 2%.
[With realm restarts] Darkglare damage reduced by 20%.
Developers’ note: We’re targeting Demonology’s multi-target profile with these adjustments to bring them closer to other damage dealers. We will continue to watch both single-target and multi-target performance, along with the output of new talents and adjustments delivered in 10.0.7, and make further adjustments down the road if needed.
[With realm restarts] Demonic Strength now increases the damage of Felstorm by 300% (was 400%). This does not affect PvP combat.
[With realm restarts] Dreadbite damage reduced by 10%. This does not affect PvP combat.
Dungeons and Raids
Temple of the Jade Serpent
Wise Mari
Freezing Ice Stone (Primordial Stone) triggers no longer disrupt the direction of Wash Away casts.
The Archaeology skill requirement for the Cache of Madness event has been reduced to 1 (was 225).
Brazier of Madness, Shattered Hakkari Bijou, and Fragmented Hakkari Bijou no longer have a level requirement.
Warblades of the Hakkari, Reborn are now bind on account (was bind on pickup) to allow anyone to acquire the appearances regardless of who their blacksmith is.
Fixed an issue that allowed the Brazier of Madness to be lootable prior to completing Relics of a Fallen Empire.
Fixed an issue that allowed Bijous and Coins to drop in the instance.
Enemies and NPCs
Hellfire Walls will now correctly display the cast bar.
Living Fuse will no longer target player’s pets.
Items and Rewards
Fixed an issue where Primordial Stones were pulling enemies that you were not in combat with.
Player versus Player
[Live March 24] Crusader’s Reprieve healing reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
[Live March 24] Judgment of Light healing reduced by 35% for Protection Paladins in PvP combat.
Developers’ note: Retribution Paladins have been heavily overperforming in PvP with their recent 10.0.7 changes. We’re primarily targeting their burst damage, passive survivability, and PvP talents that we feel are contributing too much overall damage.
[Live March 24] Judgment of Light healing reduced by 35% for Retribution Paladins in PvP combat.
[Live March 24] Inquisitor’s Ire effectiveness reduced by 40% in PvP combat.
[Live March 24] Fading Light effectiveness reduced by 50% for Retribution Paladins in PvP combat.
[Live March 24] Justicar’s Vengeance now deals 15% additional damage to stunned targets in PvP combat.
[Live March 24] Justicar’s Vengeance healing reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
[Live March 24] Blessing of Dawn effectiveness reduced by 25% for Retribution Paladins in PvP combat.
[Live March 24] Divine Arbiter direct damage reduced by 25% in PvP combat.
[Live March 24] Vanguard of Justice effectiveness reduced by 25% in PvP combat.
[Live March 24] Empyrean Legacy increases the damage of Divine Storm by 15% in PvP combat (was 25%).
[Live March 24] Luminescence (PvP Talent) now increases damage and healing by 2% (was 4%).
[Live March 24] Lawbringer (PvP Talent) now deals 2% of maximum health (was 4%).
[Live March 24] Fixed an issue that caused Avenging Wrath’s 75% PvP multiplier to not function for Retribution Paladins.
Precognition will no longer be activated when players are successfully interrupted while affected by Tranquil Air Totem.
“Brew for the Ages” should now correctly point to the Zskera Vault door to find the recipe pages, in case you have not unlocked that vault door yet.