Seznam oprav — 14. prosince

od | 14. prosince 2022 | Retail Hotfix | Žádné komentáře

Upo­zor­ně­ní: Ten­to člá­nek je sta­rý 26 měsí­ců. Infor­ma­ce v něm uve­de­né mohou být zastaralé.

Vývo­já­ři si pro začá­tek prv­ní sezó­ny v Dra­gon­fli­ght při­chys­ta­li oprav­du dlo­o­o­ou­u­u­hhhýýýý seznam změn, ve kte­rém se zamě­ři­li na upra­vo­vá­ní a vylep­šo­vá­ní pro­fe­sí, repu­ta­cí, povo­lá­ní, dun­ge­o­nů, achie­ve­men­tů a hro­ma­dy dal­ších věcí.

Pokud si jde­te změ­ny pře­lous­kat, skoč­te si uva­řit kávu, pro­to­že jich je fakt dost.

Původ­ně napsal Bliz­zard (Ori­gi­nál­ní pří­spě­vek)


  • Fixed an issue whe­re The Best at What I Do could get stuck at 29/30 progress.
  • Defe­a­ting ene­mies empowered by ele­men­tal storms in The Pri­ma­list Futu­re will now correct­ly count towards the following achie­ve­ments: Thun­der­s­torms in Thal­draz­sus, Sand­storms in Thal­dras­zus, Fires­torms in Thal­dras­zus, and Snows­torms in Thaldrawszus.


  • Rogue
    • Fixed an issue that caused Night­stal­ker to pro­vi­de a damage bonus lar­ger than inten­ded for some skills under cer­ta­in conditions.

Dun­ge­ons and Raids

  • Bra­ke­nhi­de Hollow
    • Fixed an issue in Brac­ke­nhi­de Hollow whe­re after a soft reset, ene­mies would respa­wn and gates would be clo­sed even if bos­ses lin­ked to them were defeated.
    • Fixed an issue whe­re Rot­bow Stalker’s Bone Bolt Volley was tar­ge­ting pets.
  • Halls of Infusion
    • The wave gaunt­let befo­re Pri­mal Tsuna­mi rece­i­ved mul­tiple adjust­ments so that it is less punishing.
    • Pri­mal Tsunami
      • Using Sha­dowstep or Sha­dowstri­ke no lon­ger pla­ces the Rogue so clo­se to the Pri­mal Tsuna­mi causing them to get them knocked back.
  • The Nokhud Offensive
    • Storm­caller’s Fury now affects a smaller spa­ce around Nokhu­don Hold.
    • Pla­yers can no lon­ger use dra­gonri­ding abi­li­ties insi­de Nokhu­don Hold whi­le the Nokhu­don Storm­callers are active.
    • Fixed an issue causing pla­yers to some­ti­mes be hit by Storm­caller’s Fury when double jum­ping or gliding.
    • Fixed an issue whe­re Rally the Clan from Nokhud Horn­soun­der could incorrect­ly be interrupted.
    • Tee­ra and Maruuk
      • Fixed an issue whe­re pul­ling ene­mies to Tee­ra and Maru­uk during the­ir roleplay sequen­ce will cause them to reset.
    • Bala­kar Khan
      • Bala­kar Khan now moves more quickly.
      • Sli­ght­ly incre­a­sed the time between casts of Ren­ding Stri­ke, Savage Stri­ke, Con­ducti­ve Stri­ke, and Thun­der Strike.
      • Sta­tic Spear’s damage to tar­gets in tar­ge­ted area redu­ced by 30% and the damage dealt to all pla­yers redu­ced by 25%.
  • Ruby Life Pools
    • Fixed an issue that allowed Infer­no­co­re to functi­on after Kyrak­ka is defeated.
    • Fixed an issue whe­re Thun­derhe­ad’s Rol­ling Thun­der could tar­get distant pla­yers who are not in com­bat which could make run­ning back after dying difficult.
    • The shield from Pri­ma­list Fla­me­dan­cer’s Bla­ze of Glo­ry is now a Magic effect and can be dispelled.
  • Vault of the Incarnates
    • Era­nog
      • Incre­a­sed the delay befo­re Lava Flow inflicts damage to players.

Items and Rewards

Pla­yer ver­sus Player

  • War Mode
    • Sparks of Life from hono­ra­ble kills are no lon­ger awar­ded whi­le in a raid.


  • Redu­ced the chan­ce of rece­i­ving a skill-up from recraf­ting by 60%.
  • Incre­a­sed the num­ber of skill points gai­ned from craf­ting reci­pes invol­ving Sparks of Inge­nu­i­ty to 3 (was 1) to bet­ter reward you when doing so, and to make it easier to gain craf­ting skill bey­ond 50.
  • Lowered the amount of craf­ting orders nee­ded for “[Pro­fes­si­on] Ser­vi­ces Requested.” 
    • Blacks­mi­thing, Tai­lo­ring, and Leatherwor­king redu­ced to 3 orders (was 5).
    • Engi­nee­ring, Inscrip­ti­on, and Jewel­craf­ting redu­ced to 2 orders (was 5). 
      • Deve­lo­pers’ note: To make it easier to satis­fy the week­ly craf­ting order quests, we have redu­ced the num­ber of craf­ting orders that need to be ful­filled. The major armor pro­fes­si­ons have more reci­pes with orders, so for Blacks­mi­thing, Leatherwor­king, and Tai­lo­ring, requi­re­ments have been redu­ced from 5 to 3. For Jewel­craf­ting, Inscrip­ti­on, and Engi­nee­ring the requi­re­ments have been redu­ced from 5 to 2.
  • Alche­my
    • Alche­mi­cal Expe­ri­men­tati­on has rece­i­ved the following changes: 
      • The suc­cess chan­ce for all Expe­ri­men­tati­ons has been sli­ght­ly increased.
      • The fai­lu­re rate for Basic Expe­ri­men­tati­on has been sli­ght­ly reduced.
      • Fai­lu­re now correct­ly grants loot, skill-ups, and con­su­mes reagents.
      • You can no lon­ger expe­ri­en­ce a fai­lu­re twi­ce in a row. 
        • Deve­lo­pers’ note: One of the goals with alche­mi­cal expe­ri­men­tati­on was to pre­sent a unique and fla­vor­ful way of intro­du­cing reci­pes out­si­de of usu­al reward out­lets. We knew the­re would be pla­yers on either extre­me (or both!) of the luck spectrum but hoped we could offer enou­gh reci­pes ear­ly that pla­yers could feel able to car­ve out the­ir own niche, whi­le ste­a­di­ly pro­gres­sing toward a broa­der array of pro­ducts long-term. We feel that we were suc­cess­ful in cap­tu­ring a fun fan­ta­sy, but agree with the sen­ti­ment that the gameplay nee­ded some impro­ve­ment. We will keep an eye on this topic going for­ward and may make addi­ti­o­nal chan­ges in the futu­re. Thank you for your con­ti­nu­ed feedback.
  • Engi­nee­ring
      • Fixed an issue whe­re recraf­ting P.E.W. x2 would not accept opti­o­nal reagents.
  • Inscrip­ti­on
    • Fiel­d­mas­ter Embe­rath in Val­drak­ken now offers scri­bes a set of Crim­son Com­ba­tant PvP trin­ket reci­pes at the cost of Awa­ke­ned Ire.
    • Fixed an issue whe­re the Empower with Tra­i­ning Mat­rix opti­o­nal reagent was not pro­per­ly dis­pla­yed on vari­ous Inscrip­ti­on weapons.
  • Jewel­craf­ting
    • Fixed an issue whe­re recraf­ting Torc of Pas­sed Time would not accept opti­o­nal reagents.


  • Kry­ri­an Covenant
    • Fixed some issu­es causing ene­mies in some Kyri­an Cove­nant Cam­paign sce­na­ri­os to not deal enou­gh damage to level 70 pla­yers to com­ple­te the quest for a long time.
  • Obsi­di­an Citadel
    • Oso­ri­a­’s Assistan­ce is now only usa­ble out­si­de of com­bat during “Hands Off Ope­rati­on” and the damage has been redu­ced when tar­ge­ting ene­mies that are not part of the quest.
    • Fixed an issue that caused “Wyrm Food” to not be com­ple­ted if “Secu­ring Our Lega­cy” or “Gre­a­test of Thre­ats” are tur­ned in first.
  • Thal­dras­zus
    • Fixed an issue on the “Scre­ech­fli­ght Scram­ble” quest line whe­re Har­le­en Chi­r­ps­ni­de would pha­se out and block pla­yer progress.
    • Fixed an issue was fixed whe­re chan­ging water sho­es on “Hyd­ro Tuskarr” was­n’t wor­king properly.
    • World Quests
      • Moved Glis­te­ne­ing Sala­man­thers away from Eclip­se Lake during “Hyd­ro Tuskarr“ to pre­vent them from attac­king pla­yers whi­le on Iska­a­ra Watergliders.
      • Fixed an issue with Iska­a­ra Waterwal­kers during “Hyd­ro Thun­der” whe­re the extra acti­on but­ton for the Net quest item would not appear whi­le using them.
  • Val­drak­ken
    • Fixed an issue with The Ruby Feast quest­li­ne that was bloc­king pla­yers from advan­cing past the first day­’s quests.
  • World Bos­ses
    • Basri­kron
      • Fixed an issue with some pla­yers fai­ling to rece­i­ve cre­dit for the world boss quest.
  • World Quests
    • The following repu­tati­on rewards have been increased: 
      • Nor­mal facti­on world quests incre­a­sed to 150 repu­tati­on (was 100).
      • The lar­ger eli­te world quests loca­ted at the major eli­te are­as incre­a­sed to 250 repu­tati­on (was 200).
      • The Tuskarr Fishing Fren­zy world quests incre­a­sed to 200 repu­tati­on (was 150).
      • The Dra­gon­s­ca­le Expe­di­ti­on week­ly “Wan­ted Poster” quests incre­a­sed to 250 repu­tati­on for the non-dun­ge­on quests (was 200). 
        • Deve­lo­pers’ note: Whi­le we are not incre­a­sing the caden­ce on many of the Dra­gon­fli­ght World Quests, we are adjus­ting the repu­tati­on on some of the World Quests to help some of our pla­yers to bet­ter pro­gress the week­ly “Aiding the Accord” quests.


  • Cobalt Assem­bly
    • The Cobalt Catch-Up power now appears less frequent­ly after accu­mu­la­ting a cer­ta­in num­ber of powers, inclu­ding stac­ked powers (was 100%). 
      • Deve­lo­pers’ note: Cobalt Catch-Up (the power that refre­shes durati­on on all powers) will never go away com­ple­te­ly, but it will no lon­ger be tri­vial to main­ta­in insa­neamounts of power by sim­ply kil­ling one cre­a­tu­re eve­ry 5 minutes.
  • Iska­a­ra Tuskar
    • Tavio in Iska­a­ra is gran­ting pla­yers who are 13+ renown 250 Iska­a­ra Tuskarr repu­tati­on for each type of fishing upgra­de reagent they bring him each week. He will con­ti­nue to give 25 repu­tati­on for sub­sequent extra reagents as well.
    • Made some addi­ti­o­nal bac­kend chan­ges to “Com­mu­ni­ty Feast” to redu­ce lag and impro­ve performance.
    • Fixed an issue whe­re the map mar­ker for Iska­a­ra was incorrect­ly showing that pla­yers can earn bonus rewards from the Com­mu­ni­ty Feast after they have ear­ned the­ir Sup­ply-Laden Soup Pot for the week.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Hun­ters to some­ti­mes not see a reward on the quest “Coo­king Utensils” offe­red by Lil Ki at Renown Rank 2.
    • The Tuskarr net clea­ring dai­lies now give 100 repu­tati­on (was 15).
    • Fixed an issue whe­re “Com­mu­ni­ty Feast” was not awar­ding cre­dit whi­le in a raid group.
    • Big Kino­o­k’s reci­pe for soup has sli­ght­ly chan­ged, par­ticu­lar­ly when very lar­ge groups of pla­yers are hel­ping out. As a side effect, it should be a litt­le bit more dif­ficult to get legen­da­ry qua­li­ty soup.
    • Big Kino­ok is rewar­ding his assistant chefs more for a couple of his tasks during the Com­mu­ni­ty Feast: 
      • Fishing and Fet­ching Ingre­di­ent tasks incre­a­sed to 40 repu­tati­on (was 25).
      • Pro­tecting the soup from beasts will now give up to 60 repu­tati­on when you help defe­at the beasts.
      • Luu­mak the Insa­ti­a­ble will reward 80 repu­tati­on when killed after rea­ching Legen­da­ry sta­tus on the soup.
      • Bis­quis will now drop an addi­ti­o­nal 50 repu­tati­on each time he is killed on top of the 50 you get for kil­ling him once each day.
      • Bis­quis will give an addi­ti­o­nal 10 repu­tati­on each time you fill the legen­da­ry soup bar up to an addi­ti­o­nal 50. 150 repu­tati­on max.
  • Val­drak­ken Accord
    • The amount of renown requi­red for the quest “Aiding the Accord” has been redu­ced to 3000 (was 4000).



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