Seznam oprav — 13. prosince 2022

od | 13. prosince 2022 | Classic Hotfix, Retail Hotfix | Žádné komentáře

Upo­zor­ně­ní: Ten­to člá­nek je sta­rý 27 měsí­ců. Infor­ma­ce v něm uve­de­né mohou být zastaralé.

Bliz­zard v noci vydal dal­ší oprav­ný balí­ček, kte­rý se sou­stře­dil opět jed­not­li­vá povo­lá­ní jak v PvE, tak v PvP. Záro­veň bylo upra­ve­no hned něko­lik věcí v The Nokhud Offensive.

Ten­to­krát se do oprav­né­ho balíč­ku dosta­la i opra­va pro Clas­sic Era. Minu­lý týden se totiž špat­ně pře­po­čí­ta­ly hono­ry a Bliz­zard musel jejich dopo­čí­tá­ní udě­lat manuálně.

Původ­ně napsal Bliz­zard (Ori­gi­nál­ní pří­spě­vek)
  • Death Kni­ght
    • Blo­od
      • [With week­ly restarts] Blo­od For­ti­fi­cati­on no lon­ger redu­ces damage taken (was 10% damage reduction).
  • Demon Hun­ter
    • [With week­ly restarts] Fixed an issue that unin­ten­ti­o­nally per­mit­ted Fod­der to the Fla­me’s heal effect to crit.
    • [With week­ly restarts] The Hunt now heals for 10%/20% (as Havoc/Vengeance) of damage dealt to the mar­ked tar­get for 20 seconds (was 25%/50% for 30 seconds).
    • [With week­ly restarts] Charred Warbla­des now heals for 3% of Fire damage dealt (was 5%).
    • Havoc
      • [With week­ly restarts] Essen­ce Bre­ak damage redu­ced by 8%.
    • Ven­ge­an­ce
      • [With week­ly restarts] Demo­nic Wards Rank 1 and Rank 2 pas­si­ves have been remo­ved, redu­cing Demo­nic Wards total damage reducti­on to 10% (was 20% damage reduction).
  • Dru­id
    • Guar­di­an
      • [With week­ly restarts] Ursi­ne Adept no lon­ger redu­ces damage taken (was 10% damage reduction).
  • Mage
    • Frost
      • Fixed an issue that caused Fri­gid Winds to not correct­ly bene­fit Fre­e­zing Col­d’s snare.
  • Monk
    • Brew­mas­ter
      • [With week­ly restarts] Brew­mas­ter’s Balan­ce no lon­ger redu­ces damage taken (was 10% damage reduction).
  • Pala­din
    • Pro­tecti­on
      • [With week­ly restarts] Aegis of Light no lon­ger redu­ces damage taken (was 10% damage reduction).
  • Priest
    • Sha­dow
      • [With week­ly restarts] Vam­pi­ric Touch hea­ling redu­ced to 30% of damage dealt (was 50%).
      • [With week­ly restarts] Devou­ring Pla­gue hea­ling redu­ced to 30% of damage dealt (was 50%).
  • Rogue
    • [With week­ly restarts] Leeching Poi­son leech bonus redu­ced to 5% (was 10%).
    • Assas­si­nati­on
      • [With week­ly restarts] Poi­son Bomb chan­ce to tri­g­ger redu­ced to 4/8% (was 5/10%).
      • Fixed an issue that pre­ven­ted Cut to the Cha­se from bene­fit­ting from Echo­ing Repri­man­d’s Ani­ma­char­ged com­bo points.
      • Fixed an issue that would cause Garro­te to fail to apply to all tar­gets if one tar­get was immu­ne, when cast with Indis­cri­mi­na­te Carnage.
    • Outlaw
      • [With week­ly restarts] Dispatch damage incre­a­sed by 5%.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Pis­tol Shot damage redu­ced by 6%.
    • Subt­le­ty
      • [With week­ly restarts] Black Pow­der damage redu­ced by 5%.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Fixed an issue that caused Secret Tech­nique to inter­act incorrect­ly with Cold Blood.
  • War­lock
    • [With week­ly restarts] Fel Syner­gy now causes Soul Leech to heal you for 15% of the absorp­ti­on it grants (was 25%).
    • [With week­ly restarts] Soul Leech now grants shields up to 5% of maxi­mum heal­th (was 10%).
    • [With week­ly restarts] Demon Skin now incre­a­ses Soul Leech’s absorp­ti­on up to 10% of maxi­mum heal­th (was 15%).
  • Warri­or
    • Fury
      • [With week­ly restarts] Gushing Wound damage and hea­ling redu­ced by 10%.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Blo­od­thirst damage incre­a­sed by 1%.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Blo­od­bath damage incre­a­sed by 1%. 
        • Deve­lo­pers’ note: Blo­od­thirst and Blo­od­bath damage has been incre­a­sed to com­pensa­te for the Gushing Wound damage reduction.
    • Pro­tecti­on
      • [With week­ly restarts] Van­gu­ard no lon­ger redu­ces damage taken (was 5% damage reduction).
      • [With week­ly restarts] Defensi­ve Stan­ce redu­ced to 15% damage reducti­on (was 20%). Damage reducti­on rema­ins unchan­ged at 10% effecti­ve­ness in PvP.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Demo­ra­li­zing Shout now redu­ces damage taken by 20% (was 25%).
      • [With week­ly restarts] Igno­re Pain now igno­res 50% of damage taken (was 55%).

Dun­ge­ons and Raids

  • The Nokhud Offensive
    • Fixed an issue causing the dra­gonri­ding tuto­rial message to appear in Maru­ukai after Bala­kar Khan had been defeated.
    • Nokhud Longbow’s Mul­ti-Sho­t’s damage redu­ced by 71%.
    • Nokhud Horn­soun­der heal­th redu­ced by 12%.
    • Nokhud Hornsounder’s Rally the Clan frequen­cy sli­ght­ly redu­ced and its cast time sli­ght­ly increased.
    • Unstable Squall no lon­ger casts Vio­lent Disper­si­on on death.
    • Nokhud Defen­der no lon­ger casts Blo­od­cur­d­ling Shout in Nor­mal and Hero­ic difficulty.
    • Nokhud Defender’s Blo­od­cur­d­ling Shout frequen­cy sli­ght­ly reduced.
    • Nokhud Thunderfist’s Deadly Thun­der frequen­cy sli­ght­ly reduced.
    • Batak’s Blo­od­cur­d­ling Shout frequen­cy reduced.
    • Soul­har­ves­ters’ Shat­ter Soul will now spa­wn souls clo­ser to the pla­yers tar­ge­ted with the ability.
    • Gra­ny­th
      • Redu­ced the spa­wn rate of Nokhud Sabo­teur on Mythic difficulty.
    • The Raging Tempest
      • Pri­mal Stormshield’s heal­th redu­ced by 23%.
      • Pri­mal Stormshield’s Storm­shield frequen­cy sli­ght­ly reduced.

Pla­yer ver­sus Player

  • [With week­ly restarts] Medals of Honor can no lon­ger be used if the honor it grants would put you over the honor cap.
  • [With week­ly restarts] Vic­to­ri­ous Con­ten­der’s Stron­g­box is now avai­la­ble to Level 70 pla­yers from Sel­the­rex in Val­drak­ken for 5,000 Honor.
  • Clas­ses
    • Death Kni­ght
      • Blo­od
        • [With week­ly restarts] Blo­od for Blo­od incre­a­ses the damage of Heart Stri­ke by 30% (was 60%).
        • [With week­ly restarts] Shat­te­ring Bone damage redu­ced by 25% in PvP combat.
    • Demon Hun­ter
      • [With week­ly restarts] Sigil of Mise­ry PvP durati­on redu­ced to 4 seconds (was 5 seconds).
      • [With week­ly restarts] Con­cen­t­ra­ted Sigils durati­on incre­a­se value redu­ced by 50% in PvP combat.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Pre­ci­se Sigils durati­on incre­a­se value redu­ced by 50% in PvP combat.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Exten­ded Sigils durati­on incre­a­se value redu­ced by 50% in PvP combat.
      • [With week­ly restarts] Fod­der to the Fla­me heal effect redu­ced by 40% in PvP combat.
      • Havoc
        • [With week­ly restarts] Con­su­me Soul heal effect when con­su­ming a Demon Soul redu­ced by 60% in PvP combat.
        • [With week­ly restarts] Essen­ce Bre­ak damage redu­ced by 20% in PvP combat.
    • Dru­id
      • Guar­di­an
        • [With week­ly restarts] Moon­fi­re damage redu­ced by 20% in PvP combat.
        • [With week­ly restarts] Thra­sh damage redu­ced by 20% in PvP combat.
        • [With week­ly restarts] Bram­bles damage redu­ced by 50% in PvP combat.
        • [With week­ly restarts] Rage of the Sle­e­per reflect damage redu­ced by 50% in PvP combat.
        • [With week­ly restarts] After the Wil­d­fi­re hea­ling redu­ced by 40% in PvP combat.
        • [With week­ly restarts] Shar­pe­ned Cla­ws incre­a­ses the damage of Thra­sh and Swi­pe by 10% in PvP com­bat (was 25%).
        • [With week­ly restarts] Too­th and Claw incre­a­ses the damage of Maul by 20% in PvP com­bat (was 40%).
    • Mage
      • Fire
        • [With week­ly restarts] Com­bus­ti­on can no lon­ger be dispelled. 
          • Deve­lo­pers’ note: We feel that the coun­ter­play to Com­bus­ti­on, a major self-cast offensi­ve cool­down, did not feel appro­pri­a­te as it was easi­ly dispelled. We are hoping with this chan­ge that it will prompt more cre­a­ti­ve solu­ti­ons to coun­ter­play the abi­li­ty. We didn’t want to make this chan­ge pre­vi­ous­ly, due to balan­ce con­cerns, but now feel it is an appro­pri­a­te time to bring it in line with other major cooldowns.
    • Pala­din
      • Pro­tecti­on
        • [With week­ly restarts] Word of Glo­ry hea­ling redu­ced by 30% in PvP combat.
        • [With week­ly restarts] Light of the Titans hea­ling redu­ced by 40% in PvP combat.
        • [With week­ly restarts] Guar­di­an of the For­got­ten Que­en cool­down incre­a­sed to 5 minutes.
    • Priest
      • [With week­ly restarts] Vam­pi­ric Touch and Devou­ring Pla­gue hea­ling are no lon­ger redu­ced in PvP combat.
    • Rogue
      • [With week­ly restarts] Soo­thing Dark­ness heal effect redu­ced by 50% in PvP combat.
      • Assas­si­nati­on
        • [With week­ly restarts] Hemo­to­xin (PvP Talent) hea­ling reducti­on effect redu­ced to 35% (was 40%).
      • Subt­le­ty
        • [With week­ly restarts] The Rot­ten damage bonus for Backstab and Sha­dowstri­ke redu­ced to 30% in PvP com­bat (was 50%). 
          • Deve­lo­pers’ note: Sha­dowstri­ke was hit­ting too hard, lea­ving mini­mum room for coun­ter­play for oppo­nents and taking too much damage in a sin­gle stun.
    • Warri­or
      • Fury
        • [With week­ly restarts] Blo­od­thirst now res­to­res 2% of your heal­th in PvP com­bat (was 3%).
        • [With week­ly restarts] Slau­gh­ter­hou­se now decre­a­ses hea­ling taken by 3% per stack (was 5% per stack).
        • [With week­ly restarts] Slau­gh­ter­hou­se now stacks up to 12 times (was 8 times).
        • [With week­ly restarts] Slau­gh­ter­hou­se durati­on incre­a­sed to 9 seconds (was 6 seconds).
        • [With week­ly restarts] Slau­gh­ter­hou­se durati­on is no lon­ger refre­shed when adding stacks.
      • Pro­tecti­on
        • [With week­ly restarts] Shield Char­ge damage redu­ced by 25% in PvP combat.
        • [With week­ly restarts] Boo­ming Voice now incre­a­ses the damage you deal by 10% in PvP com­bat (was 20%).
  • Solo Shu­f­fle
    • [With week­ly restarts] With Sea­son 1’s start, the mini­mum PvP item level to que­ue for Rated Solo Shu­f­fle is 408.


  • Jewel­craf­ting
    • [With week­ly restarts] Stats gran­ted by the Ele­men­tal Lari­at’s equip effect redu­ced by 5% and it can no lon­ger have mul­tiple bonuses up simul­ta­ne­ous­ly. This chan­ge does not nega­ti­ve­ly impact proc rates or buff uptime. 
      • Deve­lo­pers’ note: Many pla­yers have the­ir sights set on the Ele­men­tal Lari­at as one of the­ir first Spark of Inge­nu­i­ty crafts as it beco­mes avai­la­ble tomorrow. Upon further inves­ti­gati­on, this tur­ned out to be sli­ght­ly stron­ger than inten­ded and we have adjus­ted it to bet­ter match our expectati­ons. We wan­ted to ensu­re these chan­ges were in befo­re pla­yers inves­ted the­ir valu­a­ble resour­ces into acqui­ring it so eve­ry­o­ne can make an infor­med deci­si­on about whe­ther to cre­a­te this item.

User Inter­fa­ce and Accessibility

  • Fixed an issue whe­re hid­den spells in Azmer­lo­th were being prin­ted in the com­bat log.

WoW Clas­sic Era

  • Correc­ted an issue that caused PvP Rank to fail to be cal­cu­la­ted for the week ending Decem­ber 6. 
    • Deve­lo­pers’ notes: The Decem­ber 6 cal­cu­lati­ons were recor­ded incorrect­ly, so we’­ve rever­sed any decay incurred on Decem­ber 6, and repla­ced it with rank points cal­cu­la­ted using your best week­ly ran­king from the last 30 days. Addi­ti­o­nally, pla­yers who began doing PvP the week ending Decem­ber 6 (and the­re­fo­re have no his­to­ry to look at in the pre­vi­ous 30 days) have been gran­ted 5000 rank points as compensation.
    • Sor­ce­rer’s note: The long-lost Eldritch incan­tati­on requi­red to upda­te PvP Rank was not meant for mor­tals to invoke.



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