Patch 10.2.6 – Plunderstorm Patch Notes pro čtvrtou sezónu

od | 19. března 2024 | Retail WoW | Žádné komentáře

Bliz­zard vydal spo­leč­ně s ozná­me­ním nové aktu­a­li­za­ce i seznam změn v patch notes. Změn se dočka­jí v pod­sta­tě všech­na povo­lá­ní, upra­vo­vat se budou před­mě­ty, ale také Uldu­ar Timewal­king nebo někte­ré battlegroundy.

Původ­ně napsal Bliz­zard (Ori­gi­nál­ní pří­spě­vek)


  • Macros that use the non-hea­ler ver­si­ons of dispels will now overri­de the abi­li­ty with the hea­ler dispel vari­ant if the pla­yer is in a hea­ler spe­ci­a­li­zati­on. This applies to Dis­ci­pli­ne, Holy Priest, Holy Pala­din, Res­to­rati­on Dru­id, and Res­to­rati­on Sha­man. Mis­twea­ver Monk and Pre­servati­on Evo­ker alrea­dy had this functionality.
  • Deve­lo­per’s note: We’­ve upda­ted the power of many of the set bonuses that are retur­ning for Sea­son 4 to match the incre­a­sed power of the rest of the new gear in Sea­son 4.
    • Blo­od
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble (2) Set Bonus: Heart Stri­ke and Blo­od Boil damage incre­a­sed by 20% (was 10%).
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble (2) Set Bonus: Chan­ce to gain Vam­pi­ric Blo­od incre­a­sed to 10% (was 5%).
    • Frost
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble (2) Set Bonus: The damage of your next Frostwyr­m’s Fury is incre­a­sed by 5% (was 4%). Stacks unchanged.
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble (2) Set Bonus: The effecti­ve­ness of Frosty­wr­m’s Fury incre­a­sed to 30% (was 25%).
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble (2) Set Bonus: How­ling Blast damage incre­a­sed to 20% (was 10%).
    • Balan­ce
      • Vault of the Incar­na­tes (2) Set Bonus: Star­sur­ge and Star­fall incre­a­se the damage of your next Wrath or Star­fi­re by 30%, stac­king up to 3 times (was 20%).
      • Vault of the Incar­na­tes (4) Set Bonus: When you enter Eclip­se, your next Star­sur­ge or Star­fall costs 15 less Ast­ral Power (was 5 less Ast­ral Power) and deals 40% (was 20%) incre­a­sed damage.
    • Land­sli­de costs 1.4% base mana (was 2.8%).
    • Sle­ep Walk costs 1% base mana (was 2.4%).
    • Devastati­on
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble (2) Set Bonus: Causes Disin­te­gra­te and Pyre to pier­ce ene­mies for 18% of damage done (was 12%).
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble (4) Set Bonus: Incre­a­ses Empower spell damage by 12% (was 8%).
    • Pre­servati­on
      • Vault of the Incar­na­tes (2) Set Bonus: Incre­a­ses the hea­ling of Rever­si­on by 50% (was 35%) for 8 seconds (was 6 seconds).
      • Vault of the Incar­na­tes (4) Set Bonus: Incre­a­ses hea­ling and damage of Living Fla­me by 50% (was 20%).
      • Rever­si­on cri­ti­cal heals now extend Rever­si­on by 2 seconds regar­dless of Haste.
      • Eme­rald Com­mu­ni­on will now give an error message and fail to cast if used whi­le in Dia­mond Ice.
    • Sur­vi­val
      • Vault of the Incar­na­tes (2) Set Bonus: Mon­go­o­se Bite/Rap­tor Stri­ke, Car­ve, and But­che­ry damage incre­a­sed by 18% (was 12%).
      • Vault of the Incar­na­tes (4) Set Bonus: Bonus damage to Mon­go­o­se Bite/Rap­tor Stri­ke, Car­ve, and But­che­ry incre­a­sed to 50% (was 40%).
  • MAGE
    • Fire
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble (2) Set Bonus: Charring Embers now incre­a­ses damage taken by 6% (was 5%) and lasts 2 addi­ti­o­nal seconds.
      • Added an acti­vati­on over­lay for Fury of the Sun King.
  • MONK
    • Mis­twea­ver
      • New Talent: Dan­ce of Chi-Ji – Your spells and abi­li­ties have a chan­ce to make your next Spin­ning Cra­ne Kick deal an addi­ti­o­nal 300% damage.
      • New Talent: Peer into Pea­ce – 5% of your overhe­a­ling done onto tar­gets with Soo­thing Mist is spread to 3 near­by inju­red allies. Soo­thing Mist now follows the tar­get of your Enve­lo­ping Mist or Vivi­fy and its chan­nel time is incre­a­sed by 4 seconds.
      • Resplen­dent Mist now causes Gust of Mists to have a 30% chan­ce to do 75%/150% more hea­ling (was 50%/100%).
      • Pea­ce­ful Men­ding is now a 1‑point talent and incre­a­ses the hea­ling allies rece­i­ve from Enve­lo­ping Mist and Renewing Mist by 40% whi­le Soo­thing Mist is acti­ve (was 25% per point).
    • Win­dwal­ker
      • Vault of the Incar­na­tes (2) Set Bonus: Fists of Fury now incre­a­ses the damage dealt by your Rising Sun Kicks or Spin­ning Cra­ne Kicks by 40% (was 30%).
      • Vault of the Incar­na­tes (4) Set Bonus: Fists of Fury now inste­ad enhan­ces your next 3 Rising Sun Kicks or Spin­ning Cra­ne Kicks and enhan­ced kicks incre­a­se the damage of your next Fists of Fury by 7% (was 5%) stac­king up to 3 times.
    • Holy
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble (2) Set Bonus: Incre­a­ses Holy Shock’s cri­ti­cal hea­ling by 80% (was 60%).
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble (4) Set Bonus: Incre­a­ses Holy Prism’s hea­ling by 40% (was 80%).
        • Developer’s note: Holy Prism’s hea­ling was incre­a­sed base­li­ne in Guar­di­ans of the Dre­am, so this bonus is being decre­a­sed with that in mind. This will still be an ove­rall gain in power com­pa­red to Embers of Neltharion.
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble (4) Set Bonus: Light’s Ham­mer hea­ling incre­a­sed by 20%.
    • Pro­tecti­on
      • Vault of the Incar­na­tes (2) Set Bonus: Ally of the Ligh­t’s Ver­sa­ti­li­ty incre­a­sed to 8% (was 6%).
      • Vault of the Incar­na­tes (4) Set Bonus: Ham­mer of the Righ­te­ous, Bles­sed Hammer/Crusa­der Stri­ke incre­a­ses your Par­ry by 7% (was 5%).
    • Leap of Fai­th no lon­ger interrupts spell casts from the ally it was used on.
    • Holy
      • Empy­re­al Bla­ze has been rede­signed – Holy Word: Chas­ti­se causes your next 2 casts of Holy Fire to be instant, cost no mana, and incur no cool­down. Refre­shing Holy Fire on a tar­get now extends its durati­on by 7 seconds.
      • Pon­ti­fex has been rede­signed – Fla­sh Heal, Heal, Pra­yer of Hea­ling, and Circle of Hea­ling incre­a­se the hea­ling done by your next Holy Word spell by 6% stac­king up to 5 times. Lasts 30 seconds.
      • Ligh­twell has been rede­signed – Cre­a­tes a Holy Ligh­twell. Eve­ry second the Ligh­twell will attempt to heal a near­by par­ty or raid mem­ber within 40 yards that is lower than 50% heal­th and apply a Renew to them for 6 seconds. Ligh­twell lasts for 2 minu­tes or until it heals 15 times. Cool­down redu­ced by 3 seconds when you cast Holy Word: Sere­ni­ty or Holy Word: Sanctify.
      • All hea­ling done redu­ced by 7%.
      • Holy Fire mana cost redu­ced to 0.4% of base mana (was 1%).
      • Holy Word: Chas­ti­se mana cost redu­ced to 0.6% of base mana (was 2%).
      • Reso­nant Words now causes Holy Words to incre­a­se the hea­ling done by your next Fla­sh Heal, Heal, Pra­yer of Hea­ling, or Circle of Hea­ling by 20%/40%. Lasts 30 seconds.
      • Divi­ne Word now incre­a­ses the effecti­ve­ness of your next Holy Word spell by 30% (was 50%).
      • Cas­ting Holy Word: Chas­ti­se with Divi­ne Word acti­ve now incre­a­ses damage dealt by 20% and refunds 15 seconds from the cool­down of Holy Word: Chas­ti­se inste­ad of its pre­vi­ous effect.
      • Cas­ting Holy Word: Sancti­fy with Divi­ne Word acti­ve now bles­ses the tar­get area and heals 5 tar­gets (was 6). Hea­ling done incre­a­sed by 25%.
      • Cas­ting Holy Word: Sere­ni­ty with Divi­ne Word acti­ve no lon­ger incre­a­ses the cri­ti­cal stri­ke chan­ce of Fla­sh Heal, Heal, and Renew.
      • Hea­ling Cho­rus now incre­a­ses the hea­ling of Circle of Hea­ling by 5% stac­king up to 20 times (was 2% stac­king up to 50 times).
      • Pra­yer­ful Lita­ny now heals for 100% more to the most inju­red ally it affects (was 30%).
      • Har­mo­ni­ous Appa­ra­tus has been rena­med to Voice of Har­mo­ny and its icon has changed.
      • Voice of Har­mo­ny now causes Holy Nova to redu­ce the cool­down of Chas­ti­se in addi­ti­on to Holy Fire.
      • Gales of Song is now a 1‑point talent with the valu­es of the pre­vi­ous 2‑point version.
      • Ori­son now has a con­necti­on to Pontifex.
      • Divi­ne Ser­vi­ce now has a con­necti­on to Say Your Prayers.
      • Empowered Renew and Rapid Reco­ve­ry have been removed.
      • The final 3 rows of the tree have been reorganized.
    • Sha­dow
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble (2) Set Bonus: Incre­a­ses the damage of Mind Blast by 40% when Sha­dowy Insi­ght tri­g­gers (was 30%).
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble (4) Set Bonus: Incre­a­ses Devou­ring Pla­gue damage by 18% (was 15%).
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble (4) Set Bonus: Causes eve­ry 4 casts of Devou­ring Pla­gue to incre­a­se Sha­dowy Appa­ri­ti­on damage by 100% for 10 seconds (was 80%).
    • Res­to­rati­on
      • Vault of the Incar­na­tes (2) Set Bonus: Hea­ling Stre­am Totem now incre­a­ses cri­ti­cal stri­ke by 15% (was 10%).
      • Vault of the Incar­na­tes (4) Set Bonus: Incre­a­ses the effecti­ve­ness of cri­ti­cal heals to 220% (was 215%) inste­ad of the usu­al 200%.
    • Destructi­on
      • Vault of the Incar­na­tes (2) Set Bonus: Con­su­ming Soul Shards has a chan­ce to grant you Cha­os Mael­strom, incre­a­sing your cri­ti­cal stri­ke chan­ce by 15% for 10 seconds (was 10%).
      • Vault of the Incar­na­tes (4) Set Bonus: Your cri­ti­cal stri­kes deal 212% (was 208%) damage inste­ad of the usu­al 200%.
    • Arms
      • Vault of the Incar­na­tes (2) Set Bonus: Bonus damage to Mor­tal Stri­ke and Clea­ve incre­a­sed to 15% (was 10%). Cri­ti­cal Stri­ke chan­ce bonus unchanged.
      • Vault of the Incar­na­tes (4) Set Bonus: Bonus damage and Cri­ti­cal Stri­ke chan­ce incre­a­sed to 8% (was 5%).
    • Fury
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble (2) Set Bonus: Bonus damage and Cri­ti­cal Stri­ke chan­ce to Ram­page incre­a­sed to 12% (was 10%).
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble (4) Set Bonus: Bonus damage incre­a­sed to 30% (was 25%) and Cri­ti­cal Stri­ke chan­ce incre­a­sed to 12% (was 10%) to Bloodthirst.


    • Fixed an issue whe­re Liquid Pyri­te was not pro­per­ly res­to­ring ammunition.
    • Fixed an issue whe­re Bur­ning Tar was incorrect­ly dama­ging pla­yers and vehicles that were far away.
    • Fixed an issue pre­ven­ting Tar from pro­per­ly slowing and dama­ging enemies.
    • Fixed an issue whe­re Mimi­ron would jump the gun too quick­ly and attack pla­yers whi­le rema­i­ning untargetable.
    • Fixed an issue whe­re Gene­ral Veza­x’s Mark of the Face­less was doing too much damage.
    • Fixed an issue whe­re vari­ous boss ene­mies were moving gre­at distan­ces when tanks were too close.
    • Fixed an issue whe­re Yogg-Saron’s ten­tacles could spa­wn within the boss model.
  • If a pla­yer in a Follower Dun­ge­on can cast Bloodlust/Heroism/Time Warp/Fury of the Aspects, the followers will no lon­ger try to cast the­ir ver­si­on when they think it’s appro­pri­a­te and inste­ad lea­ve the deci­si­on of when to cast up to the player.


  • Raid loot from Vault of the Incar­na­tes and Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble have rece­i­ved seve­ral adjust­ments to align with chan­ges made in Ami­r­dras­sil, the Dre­a­m’s Hope:
    • Class set tokens will drop at a ratio of 1:3 rela­ti­ve to non-token items.
    • All Very Rare items have a sepa­ra­te chan­ce to drop in addi­ti­on to a boss’s stan­dard quan­ti­ty of loot.
  • Deve­lo­per’s note: As we look ahe­ad to Dra­gon­fli­ght Sea­son 4, we are aiming to level the pla­y­ing field for cer­ta­in over- and under­per­for­ming raid trin­kets. Further tuning can be expec­ted befo­re or short­ly after the start of the season.
    • The following raid trin­kets have been adjusted:
      • Con­ju­red Chill­glo­be mana res­to­re effect redu­ced by 70%.
      • Whispe­ri­ng Incar­na­te Icon’s infusi­on effects gran­ted to allies redu­ced by 45%.
      • Ward of Face­less Ire cool­down redu­ced to 1 minu­te (was 2 minu­tes), absorb redu­ced by 35%, and damage redu­ced by 50%.
      • All rema­i­ning stacks of Endu­ring Dread­pla­te’s Hell­ste­el Pla­ting that are not con­su­med by taking damage now rup­tu­re to rele­a­se Rays of Angu­ish upon expiration.
      • Omi­nous Chro­ma­tic Essen­ce sha­red alig­n­ment secon­da­ry stat redu­ced by 5%.
      • Blos­som of Ami­r­dras­sil effects incre­a­sed by 10%.
      • Fyrak­k’s Tain­ted Rage­heart absorb incre­a­sed by 5%, lash damage redu­ced by 5%, and pas­si­ve area-of-effect damage redu­ced by 20%.
    • The following dun­ge­on trin­kets have been sig­ni­fi­cant­ly reworked:
      • Tome of Unstable Power
      • Umbrel­sku­l’s Fractu­red Heart
      • Glo­be of Jag­ged Ice
      • Water’s Bea­ting Heart
      • Gra­ny­th’s Endu­ring Scale
      • Inexo­ra­ble Resonator
    • The following dun­ge­on trin­kets have been adjusted:
      • Kyrak­ka­’s Sea­ring Embers chan­ce to tri­g­ger incre­a­sed by 100%, damage redu­ced by 50%, and hea­ling redu­ced by 40%. Addi­ti­o­nally fixed an issue that could cause incon­si­s­tent proc behavior.
      • Mini­a­tu­re Sin­ging Sto­nes shield effect incre­a­sed by 3%.
      • Muta­ted Mag­ma­m­mo­th Sca­le chan­ce to tri­g­ger now sca­les with Has­te and damage redu­ced by 13%.
  • New gly­phs have been added to trans­form the appea­ran­ce of the recent­ly upda­ted Cove­nant abi­li­ties back to the­ir old Cove­nant visu­als. They can be pur­cha­sed from the Cove­nant quartermasters.
  • In the Appea­ran­ces collecti­on, wrist appea­ran­ces are now shown on the right wrist (was left wrist). This allows more one-sided appea­ran­ces such as the Gothic Cor­sage to be visi­ble in the collecti­on pane.


  • Bri­ar­horn Hatch­ling has been struck by the Cur­se of Fle­sh and is now pro­per­ly Beast-type (was Mechanical-type).


  • Developer’s note: We’ve been hap­py to see the exci­te­ment around Batt­le­ground Bli­tz after its launch in Guar­di­ans of the Dre­am and after moni­to­ring feedback and inter­nal data, we are making some chan­ges. We belie­ve these chan­ges will be heal­thy for the game mode and we want to ensu­re adequa­te time to obser­ve feedback on them whi­le Batt­le­ground Bli­tz is a brawl.
    In par­ticu­lar, we have not been hap­py with the low frequen­cy of cap­tu­re the flag maps due to the rest­ricti­on of having the maps be only avai­la­ble with tanks. In 10.2.6, we are lif­ting that rest­ricti­on and are intro­du­cing a new buff, Empowered Carrier, that will be applied to non-tank spe­ci­a­li­zati­ons if they pick up the flag in War­song Gulch and Twin Peaks. Tanks will still only be matched up aga­inst other tanks, and this buff will only be applied if the­re are not any tanks in the match.
    Addi­ti­o­nally, we’ve been ove­rall hap­py with and have heard posi­ti­ve feedback around having an incre­a­sed mount spe­ed in Batt­le­ground Bli­tz. However, the 150% mount spe­ed incre­a­se is sli­ght­ly too fast for both the gameplay and cha­rac­ter con­t­rol expe­ri­en­ces. We are adjus­ting the amount of incre­a­se on all maps, althou­gh having it sli­ght­ly higher on the lar­ger maps: Arathi Basin and Dee­pwind Gorge.
  • Eye of the Storm
    • Added a hid­den effect that pre­vents fall damage to both teams for 10 seconds at the start of a match.
  • War­song Gulch and Twin Peaks
    • New Buff: Empowered Carrier – Incre­a­ses maxi­mum heal­th by 10% and move­ment spe­ed by 30%. Addi­ti­o­nally, Empowered Carrier pro­vi­des 25% damage reducti­on for 4 seconds when stun­ned. Empowered Carrier is applied to non-tank spe­ci­a­li­zati­ons who pick up the flag on War­song Gulch or Twin Peaks and won’t be applied if the match star­ted with tanks in the match.
  • Swift Pur­su­it has had the following adjustments:
    • Incre­a­sed mount spe­ed is now 100% Arathi Basin and Dee­pwind Gor­ge (was 150%).
    • Incre­a­sed mount spe­ed is now 75% on all other maps (was 150%).
    • Pre­servati­on
      • Rewind heals for 50% of damage taken in the last 5 seconds in PvP com­bat (was 33%).



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