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Vývojáři se krátce po zabití sedmého bosse instance guildou Liquid podívali na zoubek posledním dvěma bossům. Neltharion a Sarkareth tak s největší pravděpodobností výrazně zpomalí celý závod o první příčky. Změny, které Blizzard provedl, jsou opravdu zásadní a zvyšují poškození některých kouzel bossů. Dá se očekávat, že guildy nebudou mít dostatečný item level k tomu, aby přes bosse tento týden prošly.
Echo of Neltharion
- Collapsed Earth Rubble falls from the ceiling, inflicting
218956355804 Nature damage to players within 3.5 yards and stunning them for13 sec. - Crumbling Facade Rubble periodically falls from the damaged ceiling, inflicting
273695437912 Volcanic damage to players within 3 yards. - Shattered Rock Rock fragments inflict
136848383173 Nature damage to players standing at the impact location - Volcanic Blast The erupting segment of Twisted Earth inflicts
328434410543 Volcanic damage to players in 7 yards, and knocks them away.
- Abyssal Breath Sarkareth takes in a deep breath and flies to a location, inflicting
410543492651 Shadow damage in a line and knocking players back. - Astral Formation Sarkareth pulls several asteroids out of space to crash into the ground. These formations inflict 153269 Shadow damage to nearby players every 2 sec.
- Cosmic Ascension Sarkareth flies up through a void portal before crashing through the floor and inflicting
10947811642171 Shadow damage to players within 30 yards and knocking back players struck. - Dazzled The player’s senses are dazzled, stunning them and inflicting
136888273695 Arcane damage every 1 sec for 20 sec. - Drifting Embers Motes of flame fall from above, inflicting
158743328434 Fire damage and knocking back players within 4.5 yards of the impact. - Scorching Bomb Sarkareth places several Scorching Bombs nearby players. Each inflicts
229904355804 Fire damage to players within 10 yards every 1 sec. After 12 sec, the bombs explode with a Scorching Detonation. - Void Bomb Sarkareth places Void Bombs nearby players. Each inflicts
131374218956 Shadow damage to players within 12 yards every 1 sec. After 20 sec, the bombs explode with a Void Surge. - Void Surge The bomb erupts with void energy, inflicting
153269246326 Shadow damage to all players every 1 sec for 4 sec.