V posledním příspěvku Mika Ybarra na oficiálních stránkách Blizzardu se šéf Blizzardu věnoval shrnutí roku 2023 a vyhlídkám pro nadcházející rok. Podobný příspěvek zveřejnil Mike již vloni, kdy byl prvních několik měsíců v nové funkci a snažil se udržet Blizzard pohromadě.
Blizzard v roce 2023
- Vývojáři dělali vše proto, aby se hráči v Dragonflight a Classic WoW nenudili. V současné době je také ve hře mnohem více hráčů při spuštění zatím posledního datadisku Dragonflight. WoW komunita dokázala ve sbírce pro BlueCheck Ukraine posbírat přes 1,5 milionů dolarů.
- Hearthstone spustil tři nové expanze, které nás provedli hudebním festivalem, ukázaly sílu Titánů a nakonec nás vzaly do samotného srdce Badlands. Do čela týmu se v průběhu roku dostal Tyler Bielman.
- Na BlizzConu byl oficiálně spuštěn Warcraft Rumble, který baví miliony hráčů po celém světě.
- Diablo IV mělo úžasný začátek a Season of Blood ukázala, jak tým dokáže pracovat se zpětnou vazbou hráčů.
- Diablo Immortal oslavilo letos první narozeniny a jako dárek nadělilo hráčům nové povolání – Blood Knighty.
- Overwatch 2 oslavil ve hře úplně poprvé Pride a díky crossoverům přivítalo ve hře například Diablo, One-Punch Man nebo LE SSERAFIM.
Komunita v číslech
- V Diablu a na Azerothu byla vytvořena více než 1 miliarda postav.
- Raszageth zabil přes 48 milionů postav.
- V Diablu bylo zabito 950 miliard nepřátel.
- Butcher zabil 37 milionů hráčských postav.
- 26 milionů hráčů bylo zabito D.Va Mechem.
- Hráči otevřeli 15,8 miliard balíčků v Hearthstone.
- Ve Warcraft Rumble bylo vypuštěno přes 500 milionů naštvaných slepic.
- Přes 150 tisíc účtů je na Battle.net starších než 25 let.
Co přinese rok 2024?
Blizzard mnoho novinek zveřejnil na letošním BlizzConu 2023.
Rok 2024 bude extrémně nabitý novinkami, a to hlavně pro World of Warcraft. Hra se dočká nového datadisku The War Within, přiletí k nám Cataclysm Classic a Hardcore Classic včetně Season of Discovery dostanou herní aktualizace a novinky. Warcraft oslaví příští rok třicáté narozeniny, World of Warcraft dvacáté. V závěsu za nimi je i Hearthstone, který je mezi námi již neuvěřitelných deset let.
Diablo IV dostane novou sezónu a první datadisku Vessel of Hatred. Blizzard v něm bude rozšiřovat příběh Mephista a Neyrelle. Společně s hromadou novinek bude k dispozici i zbrusu nové povolání. Do Overwatche 2 se dostanou tři noví hrdinové, nový Clash mód, přepracovaný Competitive mód a mnoho dalších věcí.
Mike zároveň láká na nové hry, které jsou v současné době ve vývoji. O nových hrách se dle všeho dozvíme, jakmile bude tým připraven je odhalit. Díky Microsoft Gaming divizi ovšem Blizzard doufá, že se herní pecky studia dostanou k mnohem více hráčům a započne tak nová éra hraní.

Blizzard Games in 2023
Looking back on this year, we had a great focus on putting people at the forefront of everything we do — both players and our teams at Blizzard.
The World of Warcraft team worked hard throughout the year to ensure there was always something fun to do in both Dragonflight and Classic, with more players joining us right now than we saw at the launch of Dragonflight! The WoW communities also worked together to raise USD $1.5 million for BlueCheck Ukraine.
Hearthstone launched three expansions — taking us to a music festival, allowing us to wield the power of the Titans, before finally bringing players to the heart of the Badlands. We also brought on a new game director this year, Tyler Bielman, and the team continues to inspire with their creativity.
Warcraft Rumble launched at BlizzCon, and millions of players around the world are reveling in the joyful chaos.
Diablo IV had an amazing launch, and Season of Blood is a great example of how the team is growing their game alongside their players.
Diablo Immortal celebrated its first anniversary while introducing the first new class for the universe in nearly 10 years, the Blood Knight.
Overwatch 2 celebrated Pride in-game for the first time ever, and joined forces for legendary crossovers with our very own Diablo, One-Punch Man and LE SSERAFIM.

The 2023 Blizzard Community By The Numbers

Blizzard Culture in 2023
We always say that we want to think of our culture work at Blizzard like the work on our games – part of who we are. We’re always building and iterating on different initiatives, programs, and more. We believe great ideas are core to Blizzard and should come from anywhere. Earlier this year, we relaunched Blizzard University (or BlizzU, as we like to call it) and introduced Pamela Burga as our new DE&I Officer. Together, we hosted hundreds of trainings and events aimed at educating our teams and building our internal communities, totalling in 11,282 sign-ups throughout the year! We launched new employee networks, and brought the Inclusion Nexus back to BlizzCon 2023. Our teams working on accessibility continue to inspire, with World of Warcraft continuing to take massive steps forward, and Diablo IV being nominated in the Innovation in Accessibility category at The Game Awards. This award recognizes advancements we’ve made with dexterity assistance (including button remapping); text assistance (including transcribing spoken word to chat); vision assistance (with audio cues) among many other areas so we can ensure our games are available and playable to as many people as possible. Within our industry, we are making it a priority to connect with, share, and learn from our peers: at GDC, the 2023 D.I.C.E Summit, multiple discipline-specific conferences, and through contributing to important research initiatives like the Design Playbook for Digital Thriving.

Blizzard in 2024
Of course, alongside planning for and holding BlizzCon 2023, we have been planning for next year. 2024 is going to be a massive year for the Warcraft universe, with a collection of anniversaries coming up: 30 years since the first Warcraft game, 20 years of World of Warcraft, 10 years of Hearthstone, and the one-year anniversary of Warcraft Rumble! We have some fun activities planned throughout the year to celebrate within all of our communities (and across them!), and we’ll be releasing the first installment of the Worldsoul Saga, The War Within. Hearthstone will bring a new way to play Battlegrounds with friends with Duos, alongside more incredible themes and mechanics for upcoming expansion sets. Warcraft Rumble will roll through seasons, bringing new minis, Raids, and even more ways to have fun in Azeroth on the go.
Diablo IV will have new seasons, and its first expansion, Vessel of Hatred, will also be released in 2024: this will continue the story of Mephisto and Neyrelle, and bring with it a brand-new class never before seen in the Diablo universe. Overwatch 2 will have three new heroes next year (Venture, a hero codenamed Space Ranger, and a yet-to-be-revealed tank), the new Clash mode, a rework of Competitive mode, and much more.
Then there are our projects in development. We look forward to sharing more about these projects with you when the time is right. As I said at BlizzCon, this is a brand-new era for Blizzard – now part of Microsoft Gaming – and so much more is possible as we double-down on what we love to do: craft genre-defining games and legendary worlds for all to share.
I want to end the year with a thank you — for supporting our teams here at Blizzard, whether it’s through how you play our games, what you share with us on social media, and more. This is only the beginning, and we couldn’t be more excited to be here alongside you.
See you in 2024!
Mike “Qwik” Ybarra