Johanna Faries nahradí Mika Ybarru v roli šéfa Blizzardu

od | 01. února 2024 | Blizzard | Žádné komentáře

Upo­zor­ně­ní: Ten­to člá­nek je sta­rý 13 měsí­ců. Infor­ma­ce v něm uve­de­né mohou být zastaralé.

Po ohlá­še­ní, že Micro­soft pro­pus­tí téměř dva tisí­ce sou­čas­ných zaměst­nan­ců se obje­vi­la i zprá­va o tom, že kon­čí šéf Bliz­zar­du Mike Ybar­ra. Ybar­ra vedl Bliz­zard posled­ních něko­lik let a po úspěš­ném dokon­če­ní spo­je­ní Acti­vi­si­on Bliz­zar­du s Micro­sof­tem, nastal jeho čas odejít.

Ten­to týden bylo ozná­me­no, že Ybar­ru nahra­dí Johan­na Faries, kte­rá byla dlou­hou dobu šéf­kou Call of Duty fran­ší­zy v Acti­vi­si­o­nu. Před tím pra­co­va­la dva­náct let pro ame­ric­kou NFL. Nová šéf­ka Bliz­zar­du začne již 5. úno­ra a bude mít oprav­du hod­ně prá­ce pře­svěd­čit všech­ny kolem sebe, že je tou správ­nou pro Blizzard.

Sama Faries si totiž uvě­do­mu­je, že hry Bliz­zar­du jsou napros­to roz­díl­né opro­ti Call of Duty. Hry kali­forn­ské­ho stu­dia míří na úpl­ně jinou hráč­skou základ­nu. To jde ruku v ruce s napros­to roz­díl­nou komu­ni­tou a sty­lem vede­ní. Může­me tak jen dou­fat, že dodr­ží jeden ze sli­bů. A to ten, že ke hrám Bliz­zar­du bude při­stu­po­vat s obrov­ským respek­tem a pokorou.

Dopis zaměstnancům a fanouškům Blizzardu

Původ­ně napsal Bliz­zard (Ori­gi­nál­ní pří­spě­vek)
Dear Bliz­zard,

Thou­gh my offi­cial first day with you all is Febru­a­ry 5, I want to let you know imme­di­a­te­ly that it is an honor to join you next week in this new capa­ci­ty. I do so hum­bly and in awe of all that Bliz­zard has sto­od for and deli­ve­red to the world for over thir­ty years. Today also brings some mixed emo­ti­ons. The loss of talen­ted tea­m­ma­tes in recent days is hard to hold side-by-side with the immen­se exci­te­ment I feel about joi­ning Bliz­zard – and buil­ding on the momen­tum you’ve cre­a­ted for Blizzard’s next chapter.

I want to thank Matt for the intro­ducti­on, bring some further cla­ri­ty to today’s announ­ce­ment, and sha­re more about how I see our futu­re toge­ther at Bliz­zard. I under­stand this is a lot to take in. The news of my appoint­ment may no doubt bring up a ran­ge of reacti­ons, ques­ti­ons, even concerns.

Acti­vi­si­on, Bliz­zard, and King are deci­ded­ly dif­fe­rent com­pa­nies with dis­tinct games, cul­tu­res, and com­mu­ni­ties. It is impor­tant to note that Call of Duty’s way of waking up in the mor­ning to deli­ver for pla­yers can often dif­fer from the stun­ning games in Blizzard’s realm: each with dif­fe­rent gameplay expe­ri­en­ces, com­mu­ni­ties that surround them, and requi­si­te models of suc­cess. I’ve dis­cus­sed this with the Bliz­zard lea­der­ship team and I’m wal­king into this role with sensi­ti­vi­ty to tho­se dyna­mics, and deep respect for Bliz­zard, as we begin to explo­re taking our uni­ver­ses to even higher heights.

I am com­mit­ted to doing eve­ry­thing I can to help Bliz­zard thri­ve, with care and con­si­de­rati­on for you and for our games, each unique and spe­cial in the­ir own right. I’m opti­mis­tic about our abi­li­ty to ser­ve our current and futu­re pla­yer com­mu­ni­ties, and to further ampli­fy the sha­red pas­si­on for gre­at­ness, polish, and cre­a­ti­ve mas­te­ry that is a hall­mark of Blizzard’s appro­ach to game-making.

Next week, I will be in Irvi­ne and I am eager to con­nect with as many of you as possi­ble. I will be sche­du­ling infor­mal (and totally opti­o­nal) meet-and-greets, whe­re I want to hear more from peo­ple across the orga­ni­zati­on. Tho­se of you who can­not make it to tho­se gathe­rings or aren’t loca­ted in Irvi­ne, ple­a­se feel free to email me. We are also plan­ning a town hall mee­ting to be held in the near future.

A few per­so­nal facts about me: my #1 job in life is rai­sing two ama­zing boys. In addi­ti­on to paren­tho­od, a typi­cal week for me inclu­des fin­ding time for dai­ly yoga and pra­yer, and of cour­se, pla­y­ing video games (big Dia­blo IV fan over here!). Throu­ghout, the joy I find in games – and wor­king with tho­se who make them – only deepens.

I rema­in inspi­red by Blizzard’s ico­nic lega­cy, and the trans­for­ma­ti­ve role gaming has pla­yed in my life and in the lives of others. I can­not wait to get going – to lis­ten, to learn, to empower, and to colla­bo­ra­te with all of you on our bold and bright futu­re toge­ther. Toge­ther, may we for­ge many legen­da­ry days ahead.




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