Chystané změny povolání — 6. prosince 2022

od | 05. prosince 2022 | Retail Hotfix | Žádné komentáře

Upo­zor­ně­ní: Ten­to člá­nek je sta­rý 27 měsí­ců. Infor­ma­ce v něm uve­de­né mohou být zastaralé.

Bliz­zard chys­tá zít­ra vydat balí­ček změn, kte­ré budou upra­vo­vat někte­rá povo­lá­ní — a to jak pro PvE, tak pro PvP. Vel­kou změ­nou také bude vyš­ší gene­ro­vá­ní thre­a­tu u postav, kte­ré mají tan­ko­va­cí spe­ci­a­li­za­ci. Zvý­še­ní bude o cca. 15 %, což by mělo pomo­ci s lep­ším hlí­dá­ním thre­a­tu v dun­ge­o­nech a raidech.

Změn je ovšem mno­hem více. Celý výpis chys­ta­ných změn nalez­ne­te v blu­e­po­stu níže.

Původ­ně napsal Bliz­zard (Ori­gi­nál­ní pří­spě­vek)
We’re wor­king on a sla­te of tuning adjust­ments to clas­ses in Dra­gon­fli­ght. The following chan­ges are sche­du­led to be imple­men­ted with week­ly main­te­nan­ce, Tue­sday, Decem­ber 6 in this region.

Tank Spe­ci­a­li­zati­ons

  • Tank-spe­ci­a­li­zed cha­rac­ters now gene­ra­te 650% addi­ti­o­nal thre­at (was 550%). 
    • Deve­lo­pers’ notes: We’ve heard feedback that on-pull burst in dun­ge­on con­tent is causing damage dea­lers to pull thre­at more often than is desi­ra­ble. This chan­ge repre­sents rou­gh­ly a 15% incre­a­se to tank thre­at gene­rati­on, which should help alle­vi­a­te these cases, whi­le still requi­ring tanks to acti­ve­ly engage with ene­mies to hold threat.

Demon Hun­ter

  • The Hunt damage redu­ced by 10%.
  • Fod­der to the Fla­me proc rate no lon­ger sca­les with Haste.


  • Res­to­rati­on
    • Regrowth hea­ling decre­a­sed by 6%.


  • Ste­el Trap damage has been redu­ced by 20%.
  • Explo­si­ve Shot damage has been incre­a­sed by 15%.
  • Barrage damage has been incre­a­sed by 15%.
  • Marksman­ship
    • All damage incre­a­sed by 10%.
    • Hea­vy Ammo now causes Trick Shot rico­chets to deal an addi­ti­o­nal 25% damage (was 10%).
  • Sur­vi­val
    • All damage incre­a­sed by 5%.


  • Fire
    • Fla­mestri­ke damage incre­a­sed by 8%.
    • Pyrob­last damage incre­a­sed by 5%.
    • Fire­ball damage incre­a­sed by 10%.
    • Scorch damage incre­a­sed by 10%.
    • Igni­te damage incre­a­sed by 5%.


  • Assas­si­nati­on
    • Exsan­gui­na­te cool­down incre­a­sed to 3 minu­tes (was 45 seconds) and ble­ed effect mag­ni­tu­de redu­ced to 80% (was 100%). 
      • Deve­lo­pers’ notes: Recent data indi­ca­tes that Exsan­gui­na­te is dras­ti­cally over­per­for­ming its his­to­ric and inten­ded power level. We reco­gni­ze that this is a hea­vy nerf for an indi­vi­du­al talent, but it is impor­tant that Exsanguinate’s power be simi­lar to alter­na­ti­ve avai­la­ble talent cho­ices. We see this as a tem­po­ra­ry mea­su­re as we head towards the ope­ning of Dragonflight’s first sea­son, and we will recon­si­der Exsanguinate’s posi­ti­on and role as an avai­la­ble talent for Assas­si­nati­on. We may move, repla­ce, or rede­sign it in a futu­re patch.


  • Brew­mas­ter
    • Brewmaster’s Balan­ce now grants 45% incre­a­sed sta­mi­na (was 30%).
  • Mis­twea­ver
    • Awa­ke­ned Fae­li­ne Spin­ning Cra­ne Kick now heals 3 near­by allies for 60% of the damage done (was 50%).
    • Vivi­fy heal to pri­ma­ry tar­get incre­a­sed by 20%.
    • Pea­ce­ful Men­ding now incre­a­ses hea­ling rece­i­ved by Enve­lo­ping Mist and Renewing Mist by 15/30% (was 10/20%).
    • Yu’lon’s Whisper now heals 5 tar­gets (was 6), and hea­ling incre­a­sed by 15%.


  • Pro­tecti­on
    • Aegis of Light now grants 50% incre­a­sed sta­mi­na (was 45%) and 30% incre­a­sed armor (was 15%).


  • Res­to­rati­on
    • All hea­ling spells hea­ling incre­a­sed by 5%.
    • Acid Rain damage incre­a­sed by 50%.


  • Soul Leech now con­verts 3% of damage dealt to an absorb shield (was 6%).


  • Arms
    • Fue­led by Vio­len­ce now heals for 85% of the damage done by Deep Wounds (was 65%).
  • Pro­tecti­on
    • Fue­led by Vio­len­ce now heals for 85% of the damage done by Deep Wounds (was 65%).
    • Bru­tal Vita­li­ty now causes 15% of the damage you deal to add to your acti­ve Igno­re Pain (was 30%).

Pla­yer ver­sus Player
Thank you to tho­se who par­ti­ci­pa­ted in and pro­vi­ded feedback during the Play with the Blu­es event in the Dra­gon­fli­ght Beta a few weeks back, as it gave us valu­a­ble data and infor­mati­on. That, alon­g­si­de what we’ve obser­ved on live realms sin­ce Dragonflight’s launch, con­tri­bu­ted to these PvP adjust­ments as we head into Sea­son 1.

Death Kni­ght

  • Anti-Magic Shell absorp­ti­on amount redu­ced by 25% in PvP combat.
  • Will of the Necro­po­lis damage reducti­on redu­ced by 50% in PvP in combat.
  • Anti-Magic Barrier incre­a­se to Anti-Magic Shell durati­on and amount absor­bed has been redu­ced by 50% in PvP combat.
  • Abo­mi­nati­on Limb will no lon­ger pull indi­vi­du­al ene­my pla­yers more than once over its durati­on (was eve­ry 4 seconds).
  • Impro­ved Death Stri­ke incre­a­se to Death Strike’s hea­ling has been redu­ced by 50% in PvP combat.
  • Frost
    • Death Strike’s hea­ling incre­a­sed based on recent damage is redu­ced by 50% if the damage was dealt by pla­yers or the­ir pets.
  • Unho­ly
    • Death Strike’s hea­ling incre­a­sed based on recent damage is redu­ced by 50% if the damage was dealt by pla­yers or the­ir pets. 
      • Deve­lo­pers’ notes: Death Kni­ght sur­vi­va­bi­li­ty has been sub­stan­ti­ally higher than we’re com­for­table with, so we’re tar­ge­ting seve­ral aspects of the­ir defensi­ve kit. We feel that with these adjust­ments, Death Kni­ghts will main­ta­in dura­bi­li­ty with opti­ons to coun­ter­play defensi­ve­ly. Addi­ti­o­nally, the mul­tiple grips from Abo­mi­nati­on Limb cre­a­ted sce­na­ri­os of unfun gameplay with mini­mal coun­ter­play in PvP. We’re chan­ging this talent to be able to pull in a unique pla­yer in once per talent usage. We belie­ve this chan­ge will allow the talent to be an attracti­ve talent to pick whi­le main­ta­i­ning coun­ter­play opti­ons for opponents.


  • Res­to­rati­on
    • Bud­ding Lea­ves is now 70% effecti­ve in PvP combat.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Focused Growth’s buff to only apply to one Life­blo­om at a time whi­le using the Under­growth talent. 
      • Deve­lo­pers’ notes: Life­blo­om has been a higher per­cen­tage of Dru­id healing’s bre­akdown in PvP than we’d like, so we’re redu­cing Bud­ding Lea­ves to bring it more in line.


  • Scar­let Adaptation’s cap is redu­ced by 30% in PvP combat.
  • Fire Breath’s ini­tial damage is redu­ced by 30% in PvP combat.
  • Disin­te­gra­te and Pyre deal 15% incre­a­sed damage in PvP combat. 
    • Deve­lo­pers’ notes: The goal of this tuning chan­ge is to redu­ce the very high burst from fully char­ged Fire Bre­ath, which we felt was unfair, as it had the poten­tial to kill ene­my pla­yers without any time to react. Living Fla­me also had the poten­tial to deal high burst with all of its modi­fiers com­bi­ned toge­ther, so we’re redu­cing Scar­let Adaptation’s cap in PvP. To com­pensa­te for the lost power, we’re incre­a­sing the damage of Disin­te­gra­te and Pyre so that Evo­ker can con­tri­bu­te more mea­nin­g­ful con­si­s­tent damage. Note that this will affect both Devastati­on and Pre­servati­on specializations.
  • Pre­servati­on
    • Mana rege­ne­rati­on is redu­ced by an addi­ti­o­nal 10% in PvP combat.
    • Deve­lo­pers’ notes: All hea­lers have redu­ced mana rege­ne­rati­on in PvP, so that fights end after a rea­so­na­ble peri­od of time. Pre­servati­on rece­i­ving this reducti­on brings them clo­ser in line with the other hea­lers so that mana is rele­vant in PvP.


  • Arca­ne
    • Nether Pre­ci­si­on is now 75% effecti­ve in PvP combat.
    • Pro­di­gi­ous Savant is now 80% effecti­ve in PvP combat.
    • Arca­ne Bom­bar­d­ment is now 65% effecti­ve in PvP combat. 
      • Deve­lo­pers’ notes: We’re loo­king to add­ress Arcane’s instant burst damage throu­gh adjust­ments tar­ge­ting Arca­ne Blast and Arca­ne Barrage modi­fiers. Arca­ne Bom­bar­d­ment in par­ticu­lar has been too power­ful of an execu­te effect in PvP for its current availability.
  • Frost
    • Pier­cing Cold is now 50% effecti­ve in PvP combat.
    • Ice Lan­ce damage incre­a­sed by 20% in PvP combat.
    • (PvP Talent) Snowdrift no lon­ger has a cast time (was 1.5 seconds).
    • (PvP Talent) Snowdrift’s cool­down redu­ced to 45 seconds (was 60 seconds). 
      • Deve­lo­pers’ notes: Gla­cial Spi­ke cri­ti­cal stri­kes are hit­ting har­der than we would like, despi­te the long cast time atta­ched to this spell. We’re redu­cing Pier­cing Cold’s cri­ti­cal stri­ke damage modi­fier in PvP to help add­ress this without impacting the base damage of the spell. We’re also incre­a­sing the damage of Ice lan­ce as the Split­ting Ice talent is less valu­a­ble in PvP, given the unpre­dictable and con­stant move­ment of pla­yers. Addi­ti­o­nally, Snowdrift has been requi­ring more ramp up than inten­ded, so we’re remo­ving its cast time and lowering its cooldown.


  • Mis­twea­ver
    • Anci­ent Tea­chings of the Monaste­ry now heals for 375% of damage done (was 240%) in PvP combat. 
      • Deve­lo­pers’ notes: We would like to see more aggres­si­ve pla­ysty­les from Mis­twea­ver Monk to be possi­ble in PvP, so we’re tar­ge­ting Anci­ent Tea­ching of the Monaste­ry to bol­ster the playstyle.


  • Echo­ing Repri­mand damage is redu­ced by 30% in PvP combat. 
    • Deve­lo­pers’ notes: We’ve seen that the abi­li­ty could have extre­me­ly high burst, more than we’re com­for­table with, so we are par­ti­ally rever­ting the chan­ge made in last week’s hot­fi­xes, whe­re Echo­ing Reprimand’s damage was no lon­ger redu­ced in PvP.


  • Enhan­ce­ment
    • Impro­ved Mael­strom Wea­pon incre­a­ses the damage and hea­ling of spells by 8%/15% per stack of Mael­strom Wea­pon in PvP Com­bat (was 10%/20%).
    • Raging Mael­strom incre­a­ses the effecti­ve­ness of Mael­strom Wea­pon stacks by 3% in PvP Com­bat (was 5%).
    • Storm­stri­ke and Wind­stri­ke damage incre­a­sed by 30% in PvP combat. 
      • Deve­lo­pers’ notes: Damage and hea­ling from fully stac­ked Mael­strom Wea­pon are higher than inten­ded in PvP, so we’re redu­cing the value of the asso­ci­a­ted talents. Sepa­ra­te­ly, we’d like for Enhancement’s susta­i­ned damage to be more well-roun­ded in PvP, so we’re incre­a­sing Stormstrike’s damage.
  • Ele­men­tal
    • Mag­ma Cham­ber effecti­ve­ness redu­ced by 50% in PvP combat. 
      • Deve­lo­pers’ notes: Earth Shock and Ele­men­tal Blast from Ele­men­tal Sha­mans deal more damage than inten­ded with high stacks of Mag­ma Cham­ber, so we are lowering its effect in PvP.


  • Cur­se of Ton­gu­es redu­ces cast time by 10% in PvP com­bat (was 15%).
  • Cur­se of Ton­gu­es applied throu­gh Ampli­fy Cur­se redu­ces cast time by 20% in PvP Com­bat (was 35%). 
    • Deve­lo­pers’ notes: We’re redu­cing the ove­rall power of Cur­se of Ton­gu­es in PvP. We’d like for the spell to be valu­a­ble to cast, but not cause cas­ters to have a frustra­ting time try­ing to cast spells.


  • Arms
    • Mor­tal Strike’s damage is no lon­ger redu­ced by 30% in PvP combat.
    • Shar­pe­ned Bla­des now incre­a­ses cri­ti­cal stri­ke damage by 5% (was 10%) in PvP combat.
    • Mar­tial Pro­wess now incre­a­ses Mor­tal Strike’s damage by 15% per stack (was 30%) in PvP combat.
    • Execu­te damage incre­a­sed by 20% in PvP com­bat (Arms only).
    • Rend damage redu­ced by 15% in PvP com­bat (Arms only).
    • Deve­lo­pers’ notes: We’re loo­king to incre­a­se Mor­tal Strike’s con­si­s­tent damage whi­le kee­ping its burst poten­tial in line throu­gh tar­ge­ted adjust­ments to its modi­fiers. We’re also redu­cing Rend’s damage in PvP as Skull­split­ter has been a cul­prit for one-shots.

We’re fina­li­zing addi­ti­o­nal tuning, and we will con­ti­nue to keep an eye on class balan­ce over the next week, as we have addi­ti­o­nal adjust­ments plan­ned for the week of Decem­ber 13 (the begin­ning of Sea­son 1).



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