Chystají se velké změny v Dragonflight dungeonech

od | 20. prosince 2022 | Retail WoW | Žádné komentáře

Upo­zor­ně­ní: Ten­to člá­nek je sta­rý 27 měsí­ců. Infor­ma­ce v něm uve­de­né mohou být zastaralé.

Prv­ní sezó­na je na svém úpl­ném začát­ku a Bliz­zard si pro hrá­če při­chys­tal prv­ní vel­ký balí­ček úprav dun­ge­o­nů. V sed­mi dun­ge­o­nech se bude hrá­čům od příští­ho her­ní­ho týd­ne žít o něco lépe, pro­to­že změ­ny se týka­jí hlav­ně sni­žo­vá­ní živo­tů nebo poško­ze­ní nepřátel.

Dá se tak záro­veň oče­ká­vat, že se během příští­ho týd­ne začnou obje­vo­vat mno­hem vyš­ší klíčky.

Původ­ně napsal Bliz­zard (Ori­gi­nál­ní pří­spě­vek)

Sea­son 1 is off to a roa­ring start, and we’ve been pla­y­ing lots of dun­ge­ons and got­ten lots of gre­at feedback from pla­yers during this first week of Mythic+ in Dra­gon­fli­ght. Whi­le we want to be care­ful not to chan­ge too much as pla­yers are still figu­ring out the new dun­ge­ons, we’ve iden­ti­fied some are­as whe­re we’d like to act on feedback soo­ner than later.

The following Mythic+ dun­ge­on tuning adjust­ments will go live with sche­du­led week­ly main­te­nan­ce this week (tomorrow, Decem­ber 20 in this region):

Algeth’ar Aca­de­my

  • Aggra­va­ted Skit­ter­fly Dar­ting Sting damage redu­ced by 25% and should now try to sting dif­fe­rent targets.
  • Resol­ved an issue that caused Spectral Invoker’s Arca­ne Mis­si­les to not sca­le pro­per­ly with key levels.
  • Over­grown Ancient
    • Anci­ent Branch’s heal­th redu­ced by 40%.

The Azu­re Vaults

  • Con­ju­red Lasher heal­th redu­ced by 20%.
  • Arca­ne Tender’s Infused Ground damage redu­ced by 33%.
  • Azu­re­bla­de
    • Overwhel­ming Ener­gy damage redu­ced by 25%.
    • Overwhel­ming Ener­gy cast time incre­a­sed to 3 seconds (was 2 seconds).
    • The­re is now a delay befo­re Overwhel­ming Ener­gy inflicts damage and expels Anci­ent Orb Frag­ments (was instant­ly inflicts damage).
    • Anci­ent Orb damage redu­ced by 25%.
    • Resol­ved an issue that caused the broad­cast for Overwhel­ming Ener­gy to not display.
    • Resol­ved an issue that caused the cast time of Overwhel­ming Ener­gy to dis­play incorrectly.

Court of Stars

  • Legi­on Hound’s Fel­bla­ze Pud­dle now pro­per­ly has a scre­en effect whi­le stan­ding within the fel pud­dle left on the ground.

Halls of Valor

  • Ebonc­law Worg’s Leap for the Thro­at damage redu­ced by 20%.
  • Resol­ved an issue that caused Ebonc­law Worg’s Leap for the Thro­at to tar­get the pri­ma­ry thre­at player.
  • Fenryr
    • Claw Frenzy’s cast time incre­a­sed to 1 seconds (was instant) and now has a visu­al to indi­ca­te that the damage it inflicts is split by tar­gets in the area effect.

The Nokhud Offensive

  • Soul­har­ves­ters’ Death Bolt Volley cast time incre­a­sed to 3 seconds (was 1.5 seconds).
  • Soul­har­ves­ters’ Death Bolt Volley and Shat­ter Soul are now cast less frequently.
  • Ukhel Corruptor’s Death Bolt cast time incre­a­sed to 2 seconds (was 1.5 seconds).
  • Ukhel Corruptor’s Necro­tic Erup­ti­on is now cast less frequently.
  • Ukhel Deathspeaker’s Chant of the Dead cast time incre­a­sed to 8 seconds, and it is now cast less frequently.
  • Risen Mystic’s Swift Wind cast time incre­a­sed to 3 seconds (was 2 seconds).
  • Risen Warrior’s Mor­tal Stri­ke durati­on redu­ced to 4 seconds (was 10 seconds), and it is now cast less frequently.
  • Desecra­ted Ohuna’s Rot­ting Wind ran­ge redu­ced to 25 yards (was 40 yards), and it is now cast less frequently.
  • The Raging Tempest
    • Elect­ri­cal Storm damage redu­ced by 15%.
    • Ener­gy Sur­ge durati­on redu­ced to 8 seconds (was 10 seconds).

Ruby Life Pools

  • Scorch­ling no lon­ger casts Bur­ning Touch.
  • Thun­derhe­ad and Fla­me­gullet are now visi­ble from much further away, making the­ir fli­ght path easier to keep track of.
  • The cast time of Thunderhead’s Storm Bre­ath and Flamegullet’s Fla­me Bre­ath incre­a­sed to 3 seconds (was 2 seconds).
  • Pri­ma­list Flamedancer’s Fla­me Dan­ce chan­nel durati­on incre­a­sed to 6 seconds (was 4 seconds).
  • Bla­ze­bound Destroyer’s Living Bomb peri­o­dic damage redu­ced by 40%.
  • Tem­pest Channeler’s Light­ning Storm peri­o­dic damage and durati­on have both been redu­ced by 20%.
  • Kokia Bla­ze­ho­of
    • Heal­th redu­ced by 15%.
    • Bla­ze­bound Fires­torm heal­th redu­ced by 20%.
  • Kyrak­ka and Erkheart Stormvein
    • Erkheart Storm­ve­in heal­th redu­ced by 10%.
    • Kyrak­ka heal­th redu­ced by 10%.
    • Whi­le Kyrak­ka is groun­ded, Fla­me­spit will now tar­get a maxi­mum of 3 pla­yers (was 5).

Tem­ple of the Jade Serpent

  • Depra­ved Mistweaver’s Defi­ling Mist damage redu­ced by 20%.
  • Depra­ved Mistweaver’s Touch of Ruin’s ini­tial aura is now a cur­se effect.
  • Wise Mari
    • Impro­ved the visi­bi­li­ty on Corrup­ted Geyser’s war­ning effects.
    • Resol­ved an issue that could pre­vent Wise Mari’s facing to dis­play pro­per­ly during Wash Away.
  • Sha of Doubt
    • Touch of Nothing­ness damage redu­ced by 20%.
    • Bounds of Rea­li­ty redu­ces damage taken by 99% inste­ad of gran­ting immu­ni­ty to all damage.



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  • 20-Man Raidy: 2 dny a 15 hodin
  • Onyxia’s Lair: 16 hodin

Season of Discovery

  • 40-Man Raidy: 6 dnů a 16 hodin
  • Progress raidy: 4 hodiny


  • Raidy: 6 dnů a 12 hodin


  • Raidy: 6 dnů a 12 hodin

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