Blizzard upravil sílu kouzel a schopností u Frost DK, Shadow Priestů a dalších povolání

od | 29. listopadu 2023 | Retail WoW | Žádné komentáře

Upo­zor­ně­ní: Ten­to člá­nek je sta­rý 15 měsí­ců. Infor­ma­ce v něm uve­de­né mohou být zastaralé.

Máme za sebou úvod­ní dva týd­ny závo­du v posled­ním rai­du data­dis­ku a Bliz­zard se roz­ho­dl, že začne postup­ně upra­vo­vat někte­rá povo­lá­ní. Prv­ní byl na muš­ce Frost DK a Sha­dow Priest, kte­ré dnes v prů­bě­hu ran­ní­ho rese­tu real­mů vývo­já­ři upra­vi­li. Dvě zmí­ně­ná povo­lá­ní ovšem neby­la jedi­ná. Mezi dal­ší upra­ve­ná povo­lá­ní pat­ří napří­klad dru­i­di a war­lo­ci. Stej­ně tomu tak bylo u PvP, ve kte­rém byly upra­ve­ni demon hun­te­ři, dru­i­di, evo­ke­ři a priesti.

Původ­ně napsal Bliz­zard (Ori­gi­nál­ní pří­spě­vek)

We con­ti­nue to clo­se­ly moni­tor data on class per­for­man­ce in-game as well as pla­yer feedback. With sche­du­led week­ly main­te­nan­ce in each regi­on, we’ll make the following adjust­ments to clas­ses that are over- and under-per­for­ming in group con­tent and PvP.


  • Death Kni­ght
    • Frost
      • Aberrus, the Sha­dow Cru­ci­ble 2‑piece set 
        • The damage of your next Frostwyrm’s Fury is incre­a­sed by 4% (was 5%). Stacks unchanged.
        • The effecti­ve­ness of Frostywrm’s Fury redu­ced to 25% (was 30%).
        • How­ling Blast damage redu­ced to 10% (was 20%).
      • Ami­r­dras­sil, the Dream’s Hope 4‑piece set 
        • Chill Stre­ak can boun­ce 3 addi­ti­o­nal times (was 2 times).
        • The chan­ce to proc a bonus effect incre­a­sed to 35% (was 30%).
      • Chill Stre­ak damage incre­a­sed by 10%.
      • Obli­te­ra­te damage incre­a­sed by 8%.
      • Endu­ring Chill chan­ce to boun­ce incre­a­sed to 25% (was 20%).
      • Pier­cing Chill damage incre­a­sed to 12% (was 10%).
  • Dru­id
    • Res­to­rati­on
      • All hea­ling incre­a­sed by 3%. Not applied to PvP combat.
  • Priest
    • Sha­dow
      • All damage incre­a­sed by 5%. Not applied to PvP combat.
  • War­lock
    • Afflicti­on
      • All damage dealt by you and your pet’s abi­li­ties incre­a­sed by 6%. Not applied to PvP combat.
    • Destructi­on
      • All damage dealt by you and your pet’s abi­li­ties incre­a­sed by 6%. Not applied to PvP combat.

Player versus Player

  • Demon Hun­ter
    • Havoc
      • Cha­o­tic Dis­po­si­ti­on (talent) now has a 33.33% chan­ce (base 7.77%) to incre­a­se damage by 4% (base 17%) in PvP com­bat, pro­vi­ding the same ave­rage damage bonus with sig­ni­fi­cant­ly less variance.
  • Dru­id
    • Feral
      • Regrowth hea­ling is now redu­ced by 20% in PvP com­bat (was 43%).
  • Evo­ker
    • Azu­re Stri­ke damage incre­a­sed by 40% in PvP combat.
    • Time Stop (PvP talent) cool­down redu­ced to 45 seconds (was 1 minute).
    • Chro­no Loop (PvP talent) cool­down redu­ced to 45 seconds (was 1 minute).
    • Aug­men­tati­on
      • Uphea­val damage redu­ced by 10% in PvP combat.
      • Erup­ti­on damage incre­a­sed by 15% in PvP combat.
    • Pre­servati­on
      • Dre­am Fli­ght hea­ling incre­a­sed by 100% in PvP combat.
      • Mana rege­ne­rati­on now redu­ced by 5% in PvP Com­bat (was 10%).
  • Priest
    • Holy
      • All hea­ling incre­a­sed by 6% in PvP Combat.


Bliz­zard slí­bil, že se roz­hod­ně nejed­ná o posled­ní úpra­vy jed­not­li­vých povo­lá­ní. Po začát­ku nové sezó­ny doká­za­li vývo­já­ři sesbí­rat hro­ma­du důle­ži­tých dat, kte­ré nyní vyhod­no­cu­jí a budou upra­vo­vat i dal­ší věci u jed­not­li­vých povo­lá­ní. No, pros­tě se máma na co těšit.

Původ­ně napsal Bliz­zard (Ori­gi­nál­ní pří­spě­vek)
This after­no­on, we posted about class tuning that we’re doing tomorrow. These chan­ges were infor­med by class per­for­man­ce over the first two weeks of the season.
When a new sea­son begins, we collect a huge amount of data about class per­for­man­ce, item acqui­si­ti­on rates, PvP sta­tis­tics, etc. During this time we will fix any cri­ti­cal, disrup­ti­ve, or otherwi­se imme­di­a­te pro­blems that come up as quick­ly as we can. We also need to be care­ful about any chan­ges we plan and ensu­re we have adequa­te data to make infor­med deci­si­ons, and then addi­ti­o­nally need time for tes­ting the chan­ges we’re making to avo­id further issu­es. Alon­g­si­de the chan­ges in the abo­ve link, we’re plan­ning to send an addi­ti­o­nal batch of tuning chan­ges that will be rele­a­sed during restarts on the week of Decem­ber 5th, which will pro­ba­bly inclu­de some buffs and some nerfs.
We’ll con­ti­nue to make adjust­ments regu­lar­ly, based on data and feedback, but pro­ba­bly not as often later in the sea­son com­pa­red to these ear­ly few weeks.




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