Seznam oprav v SoD — 20. 2. 2024

od | 21. února 2024 | Classic Hotfix | Žádné komentáře

Upo­zor­ně­ní: Ten­to člá­nek je sta­rý 12 měsí­ců. Infor­ma­ce v něm uve­de­né mohou být zastaralé.

Vývo­já­ři roz­hod­ně neza­há­le­jí a pouš­tí se i do vět­ších úprav jed­not­li­vých povo­lá­ní a před­mě­tů. Do Sea­son of Dis­co­ve­ry se spo­leč­ně s dneš­ním restar­tem real­mů dosta­lo hned něko­lik změn povo­lá­ní a také ty, kte­ří sbí­ra­jí mate­ri­ál přes boxy Gno­me­re­gan Salvage.

Původ­ně napsal Bliz­zard (Ori­gi­nál­ní pří­spě­vek)


  • Incre­a­sed the num­ber of craf­ting mate­ri­als found in Boxes of Gno­me­re­gan Sal­vage and sli­ght­ly incre­a­sed the drop rate of Gri­me-Encrus­ted Sal­vage throu­ghout Gnomeregan.
  • Dru­id
    • Ber­serk now also incre­a­ses the num­ber of tar­gets struck by Lace­ra­te whi­le it is active.
    • Star­sur­ge bonus damage to Star­fi­re incre­a­sed to 80% (was 66%). Correc­ted a bug causing this bonus damage to be lower than inten­ded at level 40.
    • Swi­pe now sca­les with attack power, gai­ning 10% of attack power as damage.
    • Thre­at caused by Swi­pe gre­at­ly increased.
    • Rip durati­on incre­a­sed to 16 seconds (was 12 seconds).
  • Hun­ter
    • Rap­tor Stri­ke damage when the Melee Spe­ci­a­list rune is acti­ve is now nor­ma­li­zed wea­pon damage.
  • Pala­din
    • Fixed an issue whe­re Fie­ry Wea­pon enchant­ment and Seal of Mar­ty­r­dom were tri­g­ge­ring each other. Nei­ther can be tri­g­ge­red by the other any longer.
    • Fixed an issue whe­re Fie­ry Bla­ze and Fie­ry Wea­pon enchant­ments could tri­g­ger or be tri­g­ge­red by Seal of Mar­ty­r­dom. Tho­se inter­acti­ons do not hap­pen anymore.
  • Priest
    • Mind Spi­ke damage incre­a­sed by 10%.
    • Void Pla­gue damage incre­a­sed by 10%.
    • Sha­dow Word: Death base damage befo­re modi­fiers decre­a­sed by 40% and spell­power coef­fi­ci­ent adus­ted to 42.9% (was 64.3%).
    • Deve­lo­pers’ notes: Ove­rall, this should result in a 33–40% damage reducti­on on Sha­dow Word: Death, depen­ding on the amount of spell­power the priest has. Sha­dow Word: Death has been doing a lar­ger per­cen­tage of ove­rall priest damage than inten­ded, and we feel like this could begin to put addi­ti­o­nal pres­su­re on hea­lers in PvE, as spell­power gear impro­ves and the damage that priests inflict on them­sel­ves con­ti­nu­es to sca­le upwards. It could also pro­ve to be incre­a­sin­g­ly oppres­si­ve in PvP, as it’s an instant attack that can be used on the move, from ran­ge, with very litt­le counterplay.
  • Rogue
    • Shu­ri­ken Toss boun­ce ran­ge redu­ced to 10 yards (was 15 yards). 
      • Deve­lo­pers’ notes: This should redu­ce the chan­ce of it boun­cing a litt­le too far and pul­ling extra packs in dun­ge­ons. It now matches the ran­ge of other cha­in spells like Cha­in Light­ning and Avenger’s Shield.
  • Sha­man
    • Fixed an issue whe­re Fire Nova did not bene­fit pro­per­ly from Ele­men­tal Mastery.
    • The Dual-Wield Spe­ci­a­li­zati­on rune now pro­vi­des 50% bonus damage to your offhand wea­pon swings.
    • Lava Lash now gains 50% incre­a­sed damage if Fla­me­ton­gue Wea­pon is imbu­ed on your offhand.
    • The proc chan­ce of Mael­strom Wea­pon is now rou­gh­ly 50% higher when your main hand wea­pon or your two-hand wea­pon is imbu­ed with Win­d­fu­ry Weapon.



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