Seznam oprav — 15. a 16. prosince

od | 18. prosince 2022 | Retail Hotfix, WotLK Hotfix | Žádné komentáře

Upo­zor­ně­ní: Ten­to člá­nek je sta­rý 27 měsí­ců. Infor­ma­ce v něm uve­de­né mohou být zastaralé.

Ke kon­ci týd­ne jsme se dočka­li hro­ma­dy dal­ších úprav a oprav pro Dragonflight.

15. prosince

Původ­ně napsal Bliz­zard
Hey all! Here are today’s hotfixes.


  • Dru­id
    • Balan­ce
      • Orbi­tal Strike’s tar­ge­ting reticle will now match the radius of the damage spell.
      • Orbi­tal Stri­ke will now damage tar­gets that are on top of or behind the Druid.
      • Umbral Embra­ce will now appear on the Per­so­nal Resour­ce Display.
  • Hun­ter
    • Sur­vi­val
      • Fixed an issue with Ruthless Marau­der incorrect­ly affecting the damage of Fury of the Eagle.
      • Fury of the Eagle damage incre­a­sed by 115%, which should keep the damage of Fury of the Eagle rou­gh­ly the same as it was when talen­ted into 3/3 Ruthless Marauder.
  • Pala­din
    • Retri­bu­ti­on
      • Fixed an issue that pre­ven­ted Divi­ne Pur­po­se from being gai­ned from Radi­ant Decree casts.
  • Priest
    • Fixed an issue causing Inner Light from Inner Light and Sha­dow to not redu­ce the mana cost of seve­ral spells.
  • Rogue
    • Assas­si­nati­on
      • Fixed an issue that pre­ven­ted Exsan­gui­na­te cool­down from resetting after encounters.

Dun­ge­ons and Raids

  • Algeth’ar Aca­de­my
    • Echo of Doragosa
      • Adjus­ted the num­ber of Overwhel­ming Power appli­cati­ons requi­red to cre­a­te an Arca­ne Rift to 3 (was 4). 
        • Deve­lo­pers’ note: This abi­li­ty is taking lon­ger than expec­ted to come into play during the encoun­ter, making the encoun­ter less enga­ging than desired.
  • Halls of Infusion
    • Pro­to-Dra­gons now have more con­si­s­tent move­ment when posi­ti­o­ning them­sel­ves around a player.
  • Vault of the Incarnates
    • Fixed an issue whe­re items with a pro­fes­si­on skill requi­re­ment could be rolled on by any­o­ne when using Group Loot.
    • Era­nog
      • Fixed an issue causing Pri­mal Fla­mes to some­ti­mes turn in unex­pec­ted ways during Stage Two.
    • Terros
      • Fixed an issue that could pre­vent Druid’s Con­vo­ke the Spi­rits from stri­king Terros at the appro­pri­a­te range.
    • Dathea, Ascen­ded
      • Fixed an issue causing Sha­man Win­d­fu­ry Totem and Earthen Wall Totem to not apply correct­ly during the encounter.
      • Fixed an issue causing Warlock’s Demo­nic Gateway to incorrect­ly chan­ge its locati­on during the encounter.
    • Bro­od­ke­e­per Diurna
      • Added a per­so­nal noti­fi­cati­on when a pla­yer is tar­ge­ted by Empowered Greatstaff’s Wrath.
      • Fixed an issue whe­re Pri­ma­list Rein­for­ce­ments’ spa­wn locati­on indi­ca­tor may be over­lap­ped with another.

Items and Rewards

  • Fixed an issue whe­re Rum­b­ling Ruby would not tri­g­ger from cer­ta­in melee attacks.
  • Fixed an issue whe­re Despe­ra­te Invoker’s Codex did not have its current cool­down redu­ced when gai­ning stacks of Hat­red. Now, if Despe­ra­te Invoker’s Codex is on cool­down, gai­ning a stack of Hat­red will redu­ce it by one second.


  • Fixed an issue with the Thun­de­ring affix that caused Pri­mal Over­lo­ad to tri­g­ger after a keysto­ne dun­ge­on has been completed.
  • Fixed an issue whe­re some pla­yers were una­ble to loot a Mythic+ Keystone.
  • Fixed an issue whe­re pla­yers’ saved Mythic Keysto­ne level was not pro­per­ly upgra­ded when run­ning a Mythic+ dun­ge­on that ori­gi­na­ted in a pre­vi­ous expansion.
  • The Nokhud Offensive
    • Bala­kar Khan
      • Pla­yers pulled by Sta­tic Spear are no lon­ger affec­ted by Quaking.
  • Sha­dow­mo­on Burial Grounds
    • Fixed an issue whe­re a Sha­dow­mo­on Burial Grounds Mythic+ group could default to Challen­ge dif­ficul­ty when lis­ted in the Group Finder.
    • Sha­dow­mo­on Dominator’s Domi­nati­on can now be interrup­ted by stun and knoc­kback effects.

Pla­yer ver­sus Player

  • Clas­ses
    • Rogue
      • Assas­si­nati­on
        • Fixed an issue that caused poi­sons to be remo­ved when ente­ring Are­nas if talen­ted into Dra­gon-Tem­pe­red Blades.
    • War­lock
      • The following spells are no lon­ger usa­ble whi­le silen­ced: Call Fel Lord, Demo­nic Stren­gth, Guillo­ti­ne, Inquisitor’s Gaze, Sha­dow­fla­me, Soul­burn, Soul Stri­ke, Soul Swap, and Soul Tap.
      • Sum­mon Soul­ke­e­per is no lon­ger castable whi­le moving and can now be interrupted.
      • Fel Domi­nati­on and Soul Stri­ke are now clas­si­fied as Sha­dow magic.
      • Dimensi­o­nal Rift and Sum­mon Soul­ke­e­per are now clas­si­fied as Cha­os magic.
      • Bur­ning Rush and Sum­mon Infer­nal are now clas­si­fied as Fire magic.
      • Guillo­ti­ne and Inquisitor’s Gaze are now clas­si­fied as Sha­dow­fla­me magic.
  • Items
    • Vic­to­ri­ous Contender’s Stron­g­bo­xes are now awar­ded after eve­ry 4 wins in a given bracket.
    • Vic­to­ri­ous Contender’s Stron­g­bo­xes now correct­ly drop a sca­ling amount of Pri­mal Cha­os based on PvP rating from the match the box was ear­ned from.
    • Fixed an issue that pre­ven­ted Pri­mal Focus and Con­cen­t­ra­ted Pri­mal Focus reagents from having a chan­ce to drop for pla­yers at Rival II or higher if the match it was ear­ned from was at an appro­pri­a­te rating.
    • Sig­ni­fi­cant­ly incre­a­sed the drop rate of Infu­ri­ous recipes.
  • Solo Shu­f­fle
    • Made some adjust­ments to Rated Solo Shu­f­fle matchma­king to have more even­ly matched games. We will con­ti­nue to moni­tor these matches and look for ways to make further impro­ve­ments as necessary.

Pri­mal Storms

  • Eli­te ene­mies that are spa­w­ned during Pri­mal Storms will no lon­ger despa­wn if the­ir corre­spon­ding storm ends and they are in combat.
  • The map mar­ker for the Ele­men­tal Storm in the Cobalt Assem­bly has been moved to be more visible


  • Engi­nee­ring
    • Fixed an issue that caused Pri­mal Decon­structi­on Char­ge to cost 1 Awa­ke­ned Fire inste­ad of 1 Rousing Fire.
    • Fixed an issue that pre­ven­ted Gre­a­se Gre­na­de from being craftable.
    • Fixed an issue that pre­ven­ted EZ-Thro bombs from being dis­co­ve­ra­ble when spe­ci­a­li­zed into EZ-Thro.
    • Incre­a­sed the chan­ce of dis­co­ve­ring new epic bra­cer reci­pes when craf­ting rare goggles and the P.E.W. x2 for spe­ci­a­li­zed Engineers.
    • Sig­ni­fi­cant­ly incre­a­sed the chan­ce of dis­co­ve­ring Safe­ty Com­po­nents when a Tin­ker mal­functi­ons for spe­ci­a­li­zed Engineers.
    • Sli­ght­ly lowered the chan­ce to expe­ri­en­ce a cata­stro­phic mal­functi­on when using Tinkers.


    • Ale­xstras­za will now alwa­ys be avai­la­ble in Val­drak­ken for pla­yers to turn in “Moving On.”
    • “To Val­drak­ken” will now point you to Alexstrasza’s locati­on if she has left Valdrakken.
    • Added para­gon repu­tati­on trac­king to “Aiding the Accord” quests ear­ly. We didn’t anti­ci­pa­te the com­mit­ment some pla­yers have to dig­ging holes for reputation.

Původ­ně napsal Bliz­zard


  • Mage
    • Arca­ne
      • Fixed an issue with Nether Tem­pest not alwa­ys apply­ing to your current­ly selec­ted target.
  • Rogue
    • Fixed an issue that pre­ven­ted Thist­le Tea char­ges from refre­shing after encounters.


  • Cli­ff­si­de Wylderdrake
    • Gre­en Sca­les manuscript will now correct­ly unlock gre­en scales.
    • Blue Sca­les manuscript will now correct­ly unlock blue scales.

Dun­ge­ons and Raids

  • Vault of the Incarnates
    • Era­nog
      • Resol­ved an issue causing Inci­ne­ra­te to some­ti­mes hit pla­yers if Era­nog was defe­a­ted during intermission.


  • Affi­xes
    • Thun­de­ring
      • Mark of Light­ning and Mark of Wind no lon­ger dis­play an overhe­ad visu­al once only one mar­ked pla­yer remains.
      • The visu­al war­ning when Mark of Light­ning and Mark of Wind near expi­rati­on has been incre­a­sed in size.
  • Halls of Valor
    • Hyrja
      • Fixed an issue that caused Hyrja’s and Olmyr’s Sancti­fy abi­li­ty to inflict more damage than intended.
  • Tem­ple of the Jade Serpent
    • Wise Mari
      • Fixed an issue that could cause Wise Mari’s facing to chan­ge during Wash Away.
  • Vault of the Incarnates
    • The num­ber of Dor­mant Infusers incre­a­sed to 5 on Mythic dif­ficul­ty (was 4).
    • Dathea, Ascen­ded’s heal­th redu­ced by 15% on Mythic difficulty.

Pet Batt­les

  • The Gray Mar­mo­ni and Black Skit­ter­bug batt­le pets are now bind-on-pickup.

Pla­yer ver­sus Player

  • Cha­rac­ters
    • Pan­da­ren
      • Pre-Mixed Pot of Nood­les will now sca­le up to level 70, gran­ting an appro­pri­a­te amount of Ver­sa­ti­li­ty for Pan­da­ren in PvP.


  • Griftah has taken note of all the won­de­rous and ama­zing items that the adven­tu­rers of Aze­ro­th have been craf­ting and has deci­ded to branch out his busi­ness to inclu­de a new Opti­o­nal Reagent: Grifta­h’s All-Pur­po­se Embel­lishing Pow­der. Grifta­h’s All-Pur­po­se Embel­lishing Pow­der is gua­ran­te­ed to give your gear +1 Sparkle when applied throu­gh craf­ting or recraf­ting! This will remo­ve any embel­lishments you have added to that gear, as well as the Unique-Equip­ped: Embel­lished (2) requi­re­ment on it.
  • Alche­my
    • Fixed seve­ral issu­es that caused Phial durati­ons to sca­le unpre­dictably when con­su­ming mul­tiple. Phial durati­on spe­ci­a­li­zati­on perks should now also functi­on correct­ly as part of this fix.
    • Iced Phial of Corrup­ting Rage will now correct­ly res­to­re Corrup­ting Rage if you die whi­le Overwhel­ming Rage is active.
  • Jewel­craf­ting
    • Fixed a sca­ling issue that caused Idol of the Aspects trin­kets to be far wea­ker than intended.
    • Idol of the Aspects trin­kets now stack up to 18 times befo­re trans­for­ming (was 15).


  • Dra­gon­s­ca­le Expedition
    • The Small Expe­di­ti­on Sho­vel is now bind-on-pickup.
    • Fixed an issue whe­re some of the ear­ly Dra­gon­s­ca­le Expe­di­ti­on cos­me­tics were set to Bind on Account inste­ad of Bind on Pic­kup. Pla­yers can pur­cha­se items on alts to unlock them once at least one cha­rac­ter has rea­ched the correct Renown Rank.
  • Maru­uk Centaur
    • Essen­ce of Awa­ke­ning is now pro­per­ly bind-on-pickup.

Wrath of the Lich King Classic

  • Fixed an issue whe­re holi­da­ys on the calen­dar could be off by one day.
  • Clas­ses
    • Death Kni­ght
      • Frost
        • Fixed an issue whe­re it was possi­ble to have mul­tiple ranks of Icy Talons acti­ve at once.
      • Unho­ly
        • Fixed an issue whe­re mul­tiple ranks of Deso­lati­on can be stac­ked at once.



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