Oficiální představení Time Riftů pro Patch 10.1.5

od | 21. června 2023 | Retail WoW | Žádné komentáře

Upo­zor­ně­ní: Ten­to člá­nek je sta­rý 21 měsí­ců. Infor­ma­ce v něm uve­de­né mohou být zastaralé.

Bliz­zard vydal ofi­ci­ál­ní před­sta­ve­ní Time Rif­tů, ve kte­rých se bude­me moci pouš­tět do sou­bo­jů v nej­růz­něj­ších časo­vých osách, plnit v nich úko­ly, achie­ve­men­ty a zís­ká­vat Para­causal Fla­ke, kte­ré násled­ně může­me vymě­nit za před­mě­ty, pety, tabar­dy, transmog armor, vzhle­dy zbra­ní, moun­ty, trin­ke­ty a hro­ma­du dal­ších věcí.

Původ­ně napsal Bliz­zard (Ori­gi­nál­ní pří­spě­vek)
The time stre­ams have beco­me incre­a­sin­g­ly more unstable with recent events. As the boun­da­ries between the time­li­nes wea­ken, mini­ons from other time­li­nes begin pou­ring throu­gh into the Dra­gon Isles.

Event Overview

Team up with other pla­yers to push back aga­inst the waves of mini­ons, enter the Time Rifts, and plug the hole by taking down the bos­ses in alter­na­te time­li­nes to set the timewa­ys strai­ght aga­in. Collect arti­facts and take them back to Sori­dor­mi to com­ple­te quests.
Obta­in Para­causal Fla­kes to tra­de in for items, inclu­ding pets, tabards, cos­me­tic armor and wea­pon appea­ran­ces, mounts, trin­kets, and more! Whi­le the Time Rifts are acti­ve, pla­yers can also com­ple­te quests and achie­ve­ments that reward tit­les, toys, Fli­ght­sto­nes, and more.

Time Is Ticking

A Time Rift begins eve­ry hour on the hour. Once a rift beco­mes unstable, head over to Tyr­hold Reser­vo­ir in Thal­dras­zus, whe­re the veil between the timewa­ys has been worn thin, and push aga­inst the encro­a­ching cha­os. Mou­se over the map icon five minu­tes befo­re the event to get a coun­t­down and infor­mati­on on which timeway is about to inva­de our own.


Whi­le the timewa­ys are unstable, under­ta­ke new repe­a­table con­tent in Eon’s Frin­ge in Thal­dras­zus, loca­ted near the Tem­po­ral Conflux.
Nozdor­mu knows his time is coming and can feel things are going awry. Due to these disrup­ti­ons, epi­so­des in Azeroth’s his­to­ry are going ast­ray, and pla­yers must access Eon’s Frin­ge to set things right. Work to sett­le the timewa­ys and sol­ve the pro­blems brou­ght about by the­ir insta­bi­li­ty and reap the rewards of a job well done.

Pre­pa­re to unra­vel the time stre­ams when Dra­gon­fli­ght: Fractu­res in Time arri­ves on July 11.
We look for­ward to see­ing you on the Dra­gon Isles!

Zdroj: https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/23970947


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