Seznam oprav – 10. května 2023

od | 11. května 2023 | Retail Hotfix | Žádné komentáře

Upo­zor­ně­ní: Ten­to člá­nek je sta­rý 22 měsí­ců. Infor­ma­ce v něm uve­de­né mohou být zastaralé.

Vývo­já­ři od vydá­ní Patche 10.1 vydá­va­jí den­ně oprav­né balíč­ky, kte­ré se sou­stře­dí na pro­blé­mo­vé věci ve hře. V noci byl vydán opět rela­tiv­ně vel­ký balík, kte­rý se sou­stře­dí na achie­ve­men­ty, povo­lá­ní, mythic plus dun­ge­o­ny nebo před­mě­ty a odměny.

Původ­ně napsal Bliz­zard (Ori­gi­nál­ní pří­spě­vek)


  • The Fami­ly Batt­ler of Zara­lek Cavern achie­ve­ment now pro­per­ly awards the pet Gerald. Addi­ti­o­nally, Gerald has been flag­ged as “unique” and “not cage­a­ble,” as is nor­mal for achie­ve­ment-awar­ded pets. For pla­yers who alrea­dy have the achie­ve­ment and did not get the pet, we are wor­king on a sepa­ra­te fix to make sure they get the­ir pet reward.
  • Fixed an issue whe­re defe­a­ting Kaz­za­ra, the Hell­for­ged wouldn’t com­ple­te the cri­te­ria for the Hero­ic: Aberrus, the Sha­dowed Cru­ci­ble achievement.


  • Evo­ker
    • Devastati­on
      • Immi­nent Destructi­on is no lon­ger dispellable.
  • Pala­din
    • Holy
      • Fixed an issue that caused Resplen­dent Light to not transfers its hea­ling to Bea­con of Light targets.
    • Retri­bu­ti­on
      • The swing timer for Crusa­ding Stri­kes should no lon­ger be reset by other abilities.
  • Warri­or
    • Fixed an issue whe­re Blo­od­thirst would not appro­pri­a­te­ly deal damage when cha­i­ned via Whi­r­lwind if at least 1 tar­get was immune.


  • Fre­e­hold
    • Fixed an issue whe­re mul­tiple spells could tar­get pets.
    • Har­lan Sweete
      • Fixed an issue that caused the ble­ed effect of Har­lan Sweete’s Whi­r­ling Dag­ger to not pro­per­ly boun­ce between tar­gets whi­le under the effects of Loa­ded Dice: All Hands!

Ene­mies and NPCs

  • Suf­fusi­on Camp
    • Ever­bur­ning Keys will now drop from Suf­fusi­on Mold bos­ses until the pla­yer has 3 or has loo­ted the Secu­red Shi­p­ment for the week.

Items and Rewards

  • Remo­ved pop-up noti­fi­cati­on that appea­red when party/raid mem­bers earn Sha­dow­fla­me Crest Frag­ments. Pla­yers will still see the noti­fi­cati­on for the­ir own Fragments.
  • Fixed an issue whe­re Bea­con to the Bey­ond, Endu­ring Dread­pla­te, Dja­ru­un, and Ward of Face­less Ire would not reset the­ir cool­downs upon ending an encounter.
  • Void-Tou­ched Curi­os from Sar­ka­re­th are no lon­ger unique.

Pla­yer ver­sus Player

  • Clas­ses
    • Monk
      • Resol­ved an issue that could cause Storm­spi­rit Stri­kes (PvP Talent) to deal more damage than inten­ded to targets.


  • Fixed an issue whe­re loo­ting a Secu­red Shi­p­ment could pre­vent “Aiding the Accord: Suf­fusi­on Camp” from being completed.



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