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Včerejší večer přinesl do Dragonflight a Wrath of the Lich King hned několik oprav, které stojí za to zmínit. Dragonflight se soustředí na mobilní aukční aplikaci, dungeony a úkol Field of Ferocity: Redux Master of the Hunt. Wrath of the Lich King opravy jsou soustředěny hlavně na opravení popisků předmětů a XT-002 Deconstructor bosse v Ulduaru.
Původně napsal Blizzard (Originální příspěvek)
Auction House
- The Mobile Auction House now properly displays Dragonflight enchantments.
Dungeons and Raids
- Algeth’ar Academy
- Crawth
- Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause Crawth to not appear after defeating the gauntlet.
- Crawth
- Mythic+
- The Nokhud Offensive
- Fixed an issue that caused Quaking to apply to players during Blakar Khan’s Static Spear effect.
- The Nokhud Offensive
- Ohn’ahran Plains
- Fixed some issues to prevent “Field of Ferocity: Redux Master of the Hunt” fights from permanently getting stuck in an unusable state.
Wrath of the Lich King
Původně napsal Blizzard (Originální příspěvek)
- Druid
- The Cenarion Raiment Druid set from Molten Core now reduces the cooldown of Tranquility by only 15%, rather than 50%.
Dungeons and Raids
- Ulduar
- XT-002 Deconstructor
- Developers note: We want to make XT-002 Hardmode more approachable on both 10 and 25 player difficulties while maintaining the exciting pacing of the original pre-nerf 6 minute berserk timer. This will result in hp values that are technically lower overall than the post-nerf version of XT but the challenge, albeit a more reasonable one, will still exist with a much shorter fight duration.
- 10 Player Hardmode
- Total Damage required to defeat XT-002 reduced by 20% during the Heartbreak Phase.
- Heartbreak Health % Buff is now 40% (was 90%).
- Heartbreak Buff Health: is now 8,400,000 (was 11,400,000).
- Life Spark Health is now 100,800.
- 25 Player Hardmode
- Heartbreak Health % Buff is now 40% (was 90%).
- Base Health is now 18,000,000 (was 25,000,000).
- Heart Health is now 4,410,000 (was 6,125,000).
- Heartbreak Buff Health is now 25,200,000 (was 47,500,000).
- Life Spark Health is now 302,400 (was 352,800).
- XT-002 Deconstructor
Items and Rewards
- Block value socket bonus tooltips for the following items are now consistent with their in-game effects:
- Valorous Redemption Legguards
- Heroes’ Redemption Legguards
- Greaves of the Shatterer
- Timewarden’s Leggings
- Skadi’s Iron Belt
- Jungle Stompers
- Topaz-Studded Battlegrips